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It's been 9 months since I gave my virginity to Sam. He hasn't been in my life really since. Yeah it hurts I wanted us to workout. That's probably why I gave my innocence to him.

I'm a freshman in high school. Just turned 15 as a matter of fact. We've been in school for 4 months. I pass Sam in the hall. Yeah we're "friends" you could say. It's not awkward when we're around each other.

Sam is really tall. He has dark brown hair. He's not drop dead gorgeous but he's cute. We had dated on and off for years. Stupid of me I know. But I think he's the only one I've ever really loved. And if he asked me out today I'd probably say yes cause I'm stupid for him. He's one of my weaknesses.

Today I was waking to my 3rd period class. History. Suddenly my stomach started cramping. Period cramps. Yay! I was making funny faces walking i'm sure. The period cramps have never been this intense before.

"Bailey? You alright?" My friend Jenna asked. I nodded but my eyes were closed tightly.

"Yeah I'm oka-Ah!" I yelled as I bent over from the pain. She grabbed my arm and looked scared.

"Bailey this isn't right. Period cramps shouldn't hurt like this." The pain only got worse.

"Help me to the bathroom Jenna." I said leaning up on the lockers. She nodded and helped me to the bathroom.

"Everyone out now!" She yelled to all the girls who were gossiping around the sinks.

"Jenna!" I yelled as I bent over the sink. "Call someone, like 911."

"You think you need an ambulance?" She asked digging her phone out. She made the call and they soon showed up. At some point I had taken my pants off. For some reason they had been uncomfortable. I would have done anything to feel some sort of relief.

"Ma'am what's wrong?" The female medic asks bending down. I was lying on the cold tiled floor.

"I don't know, I thought it was period cramps but now I don't know. It's in my lower abdomen." I said wiping sweat from my forehead.

"Ma'am did you know you were pregnant?" I felt my heart stop beating before more pain hit.

"No. I can't be. I've had my period."

"The baby is coming now! We don't have time to move her before it comes!" She yelled at her partner. The other medic took out supplies such as scissors, towels, and other things.

"Someone get Sam!" I yelled.

"Who's Sam sweetie?" The medic asked.

"I guess the father. I say 'I guess' because we didn't know." Was crying as I saw Jenna sprint from the bathroom. Holy shit I'm having a baby on my schools bathroom floor. Dad is gunna kill me.

Jenna came barreling in holding Sam's hand. She dragged him next to me confused as to what was happening.

"Push sweetie!" The medic yelled. I squeezed Sam's hand and the medic told me to push a few more times. Then a cry sounded the bathroom.

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