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Here I am. Sitting in a hospital with my family, Sam's family, and my son whom I had at 9:45 this morning on my schools bathroom floor.

"Bailey. You should think more about keeping him. You're so young." My dad said.

"I can't give him up daddy. Not after seeing his little face. I love him." I whisper as Karen-Sam's mom-grabs him to hold him.

"I wouldn't be able too either hon. We'll figure it out. My first grand baby isn't going anywhere." She looks at Ottis.

"Bailey?" I heard Jenna. I looked up and smiled.

"Hey auntie!" I smiled.

"What's his name?" She asked taking him from Karen.

"Ottis Shane." I smiled at him. I took hundreds of pictures of him. I texted Sam asking where he was but he never answered.

Everyone left for the night and it was just me and Ottis.

"Don't worry Ottis, daddy still loves you. He's just scared and immature.." I whisper to him. He gurgles but goes right back to sleep.

"Damn right I'm scared. You should be too. We're 15, and 16 not ready for a baby." Sam said walking in the room.

"Sam we took that risk by having sex. We made our bed now we have to lie in it." I reply.

"I'm not giving up my life for a baby, Bailey. I'm 16 and I'm going to be the teen I am." He says viscously.

"Then go Sam. I'm not asking you to stay. But remember this. Once you leave him I won't allow you back in his life." I spit back. "You will lose the title of being his daddy. Then someday, he'll call someone else daddy." Then he walks out. Without a second glance.

I cried. Not for myself but for my son he won't have his Bio dad around. But then I realize he's better off without him.

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