Chapter 1

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You: mom, I really want this guitar. Can I buy it?! :D *gets excited*

Your mom: NO!

Your dad: it's just a waste of money! Why can't you be a doctor or a lawyer just like your older siblings?!

You: you're always bloody comparing me to them!

Your mom: yeah! Because you're a good for nothing brat!

Your dad: why can't you be smart like Ashley and Sasha and Brody?!!

You: whatever. *ignores them and goes into the shop to look at the guitars*

Ashton: *is shopping for a new guitar*

Your mom: I SAID NO!

You: it's my damn money!

Your mom: well now it's mine! *slaps you and takes it away from you*

Your dad: you should've known better you useless brat!


Ashton: *sees everything and runs after you*

You: *is on the bench in the park crying*

Ashton: hey..

You: go away!

Ashton: *stays silent and rubs your back to clam you down*

You: I can't believe they did that! *cries even harder*

Ashton: I am really sorry for what happened... May I?

You: s-sure...

Ashton: *hugs you*

You: they never supported me into anything! And they always compare me to others!

Ashton: I'm sure they supported you into something..

You: they wouldn't even support me for what I wanted!

Ashton: hey shhh... Do you really wanna learn how to play the guitar??

You: *nods and sniffles*

Ashton: alright. I'll teach you.

You: really???... B-but... I don't have a guitar of my own.

Ashton: don't worry. I have plenty of it. *rubs your back*

You: what is your name?

Ashton: Ashton. But people call me Ash.

U: b-but... My parents.. They are against me from learning music.

Ashton: you could always do it behind their back.

You: I'm not even allowed to sing.

Ashton: uh.. So you're a singer?

You: y-no...

Ashton: would you sing for me?

You: no. I sound horrible.

Ashton: please??? *begs*

You: alright.. *starts singing a little*

Ashton: you sound amazing!! *uses his fingers and gently pushes your hair out of your face and wipes your tears away*

You: you really think so?

Ashton: I know so. *reaches his hand out to you*

You: thanks Ash.. *grabs his hand and he pulls you up from the bench*

Ashton: no prob. Anyway, you have really pretty eyes and a lovely voice.

You: thanks *blushes*

Ashton: your parents are probably worried...

You: it's fine.. They don't care about me. *looks down*

Ashton: sure they-... *notices your scars on your wrist*

You: they only care about all my other siblings because they are a perfectionist. *sobs*

Ashton: I'm really sorry...

You: it's fine. I'm useless and a good for nothing.

Ashton: don't ever say that!

You: that's what my family calls me.

Ashton: do you have any friends?

You: *shakes head*

Ashton: not even a friend?

You: nope. I'm just that weird kid that everyone hates.

Ashton: well now you have a friend.

You: thanks.

Ashton: d-does anyone in your family knows about it?

You: about what?

Ashton: your scars... *tears up a little*

You: no. They never noticed it anyway.

Ashton: may I?? *gently grabs your arms and gently kisses your scars*

You: oh... You really don't have to. *blushes*

Ashton: wrists are used for bracelets and wristbands. Not for hurting yourself.

You: so?? Nobody cares anyway...

Ashton: I do.

You: thanks.. *walks back home with Ashton accompanying you and sees all your stuff being thrown on to the floor and scattered everywhere*

Ashton: WHAT THE FUCK?!!

You: it's fine. They always do this to me anyway. *tears up while picking your stuff up*

Ashton: hey.. *helps you*

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