Chapter 12

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You: I'm nervous! *is shaking*

Ashton: hey calm down.. *calms you down*

You: how many people are going to our wedding?

Ashton: *stays silent and bites his lips*

You: Ashton!!

Ashton: just my family and my employees and a few close friends *smiles a little*

You: O-oh.. *gulps*

Ashton: babe.. The stylist is here to do your hair and makeup *smiles*

You: what?! :O

Ashton: well yeah, I hired professionals for you. I want to give you the best wedding you've ever had. I'm gonna make you my queen.

You: oh Ashton! That's so sweet! *tears up*

Ashton: *kisses you*

You: see you later. *goes into the room to have your hair and makeup done*

Ashton: *is getting ready for the wedding*

You: *is ready and waiting to enter the church*

Ashton: *is already waiting*

You: *goes into the church and walks down the aisle*

Ashton: *tears up*

You: Ashton! *giggles*

Priest: do you take Ashton Fletcher Iriwn to be your lawful wedded husband?

You: I do.

Priest: and do you Ashton, take Y/N to be your lawful wedded wife?

Ashton: I do!

Priest: you may now kiss the bride.

Ashton: *kisses you*

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