Chapter 7

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Ashton: I'll pay for it.

You: no Ashton. I can't.

Ashton: I want you to get better *tears up*

You alright alright..

Ashton: yay! *wipes his tears away and takes you to the doctor*

You: Ashton.. I love you

Ashton: love you too babe *smiles and takes you to the doctor's office*

*10 minutes later*

You: geez that hurt! *rubs your arm*

Ashton: well you had to get that shot to get better...

You: I know. Thanks babe. *smiles*

Ashton: do you wanna learn the guitar now?

You: sure *smiles*

Ashton: alright *grabs his guitar and teaches you*

You: I suck at this...

Ashton: don't worry. I'll help you.

You: okay. *smiles and tries it again*

Ashton: don't worry, you'll get the hang of it.

You: okay, what time is it now?

Ashton: 7pm. Why?

You: shit! I got to work! *runs to the bathroom to get ready*

Ashton: babe!!

You: I'll see you tomorrow. I got to work and you have work tomorrow so sleep early! *rushes to get ready*

Ashton: oh my god! *sighs*

You: *comes out of the bathroom*

Ashton: babe! You're sick!

You: but it's my last day at work and I got to work!

Ashton: please just tell your boss that you're sick..

You: I don't know..

Ashton: please? *tears up and begs*

You: alright... But I'm gonna leave now to collect my pay check.

Ashton: I'll drive you.

You: no Ashton, you got to rest for work tomorrow.

Ashton: I don't take "no" for an answer..

You: fine. *kisses him and gets into the car*

Ashton: good girl. *grabs his keys and drives you to the club*

You: Ashton, you don't have to do this.. I can always take the bus..

Ashton: yeah, but you have me now.

You: *nods and kisses him*

Ashton: I love you okay?

You: me too, babe. So, what do you work as??

Ashton: my own boss. *smiles*

You: Ashton, I'm serious.

Ashton: I own my own company.

You: why didn't you tell me?!

Ashton: you never asked.

You: *playfully smacks him*

Ashton: ow! But yes. I own a company.

You: lucky you.

Ashton: why?

You: you're your own boss. *yawns*

Ashton: stay in the car, I'll help you.

You: it's okay.. I'll be fast. *goes into the club and collects your pay check and quits*

Ashton: *is waiting*

You: Ashton! I got it! *smiles*

Ashton: yay! Get in! :D

You: alright *gets in*

Ashton: how much did you make?

You: not much.. *rolls your eyes*

Ashton: babe..

You: $1,000.

Ashton: holy shit! *gets a shock*

You: I could've made better profit but I was with you so I stopped entertaining clients.

Ashton: oh..

You: it's fine *smiles and kisses him*

Ashton: how do you entertain them anyway?

You: I would drink with him and stuff.

Ashton: oh..

You: but never slept with any of them so don't worry.

Ashton: babe, that's not what I meant I-...

You: I know, you think that I'm a hoe now right?

Ashton: no, I never said that. Babe.. Are you mad? *is afraid that you might leave him*

You: it's okay Ash. You're not the first.

Ashton: babe..

You: I'm sorry. Let's break up.

Ashton: babe! *starts crying*

You: I don't deserve you. I'm sorry.

Ashton: no! Please don't leave me?! *cries*

You: I'm a hoe!

Ashton: you're not..

You: Ashton, you don't have to be with me out of sympathy.

Ashton: I love you, Y/N! *is crying*

You: Ashton, I love you. But you deserve someone better.

Ashton: Y/N! Please don't leave me?!

You: I'm a hoe!

Ashton: you're not!

You: your expression says it all when I told you.

Ashton: I'm sorry..

You: it's okay Ashton.

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