Chapter 2

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You: thanks.. *finally gets everything*

Ashton: *helps you*

You: I-I'll just go.

Ashton: to where?

You: I don't know.. *starts walking*

Ashton: so, what do you do when this happens?

You: I just do nothing. And besides... My family don't want me because I'm not good enough for them.

Ashton: come on. That's not true.

You: we've only just met like an hour ago.

Ashton: okay.

You: trust me. No one cares about me.

Ashton: hello?! I'm right here.

You: I know.. You're the first ever person to care for me. Thank you..

Ashton: so what are you intending to do next?

You: it doesn't matter.

Ashton: it does matter!

You: I'm homeless now.

Ashton: how old are you?

You: 18.

Ashton: don't you have a job or something?

You: I do. But who cares?!...

Ashton: woah! Calm down.

You: sorry. It's just that it's my day off today..

Ashton: why?

You: *stays silent*

Ashton: need a hug?

You: YES! *bursts into tears*

Ashton: shit. *hugs you*

You: it's my birthday today but I don't fucking care anymore!

Ashton: hey hey... Don't cry. *gently wipes your tears away*

You: yeah.. *stays silent and walks*

Ashton: wait here.

You: alright...

Ashton: *drives his car to pick you up*

You: *is crying again*

Ashton: get in. *puts all your stuff into the car*

You: where are you taking me?

Ashton: to the music shop.

You: I don't have money.

Ashton: hey. Don't worry about the money. Take it as a Christmas present from me okay?

You: no. I can't. *blushes*

Ashton: I don't take "no" for a answer.

You: oh.. *goes into the music store with him*

Ashton: you wanted this right? *points to the guitar that you were eyeing for*

You: *nods*

Ashton: alright. *buys it for you*

You: oh my god! Thank you Ashton! *hugs him*

Ashton: no prob.

You: well I guess you can drop me off over there by the bridge...

Ashton: what for? *is confused*

You: there's a lovely spot for me to rest and a shelter.

Ashton: no. You're staying with me.

You: no it's too much. I can't.

Ashton: I live alone and there are like 2 extra rooms.

You: oh. But I can't. Thanks though..

Ashton: please Y/N? *begs*

You: no. I can't use you like that and we only just met not long ago. *sighs*

Ashton: I never said that you're using me. I offered.

You: a-alright.

Ashton: then it's settled. *gets excited and drives to his place*

You: thanks Ashton. This is the nicest thing that anyone has ever done for me.

Ashton: what?! Really? *tears up*

You: well yeah. Brody and Ashley treats me like I'm invisible and that I'm a disgrace and my parents often disowns me whenever they feel like it or want to.

Ashton: what about Sasha??

You: Sasha?? Sasha and I don't even talk at all. Or even look at each other.

Ashton: I am so sorry. *starts crying*

You: oh.. *rubs his back and comforts him*

Ashton: I grew up without a dad.. He left when I was really young.

You: I'm sorry. *hugs him*

Ashton: so none of your family have any clue about your scars?!

You: nope.. *scratches it*

Ashton: well don't scratch it! It'll get infected.

You: who cares anyway? *sobs*

Ashton: hey. Go take a shower. It's been a long day today..

You: alright. *grabs your stuff and goes to the bathroom to shower*

Ashton: *grabs the first aid kit*

*15 minutes later*

You: oh my god... This shit hurts!

Ashton: did you wet it?

You: yeah.. It numbs my pain and misery.

Ashton: sit down.

You: okay.. *sits on to the couch*

Ashton: this may sting a little... *cleans up your wound and disinfects it*

You: ow!!!

Ashton: hang on... *finishes and bandages it*

You: thanks..

Ashton: wrists are meant for bracelets and wristbands. Don't ever hurt yourself ever again.. *hugs you*

You: I'll remember that. Thanks. *looks down*

Ashton: and, you're staying with me from now on.

You: I can't.. I don't like using people.

Ashton: Y/N, you live with me from now on. You're my roommate. *smiles*

You: but I don't have any money to pay for the rent.

Ashton: you don't have to. If you really feel bad, you can pay me by not hurting yourself.

You: o-okay... *smiles*

Ashton: so what do you wanna do now?

You: I have no idea... *sighs*

Ashton: okay, we'll wait till your arms get better before I teach you how to play the guitar *smiles*

You: okay. *nods*

Ashton: but seriously though.. What is your job?

You: I told you before, I got lots of odd jobs.

Ashton: like??

You: I work part-time at this really cool restaurant, then I work part-time at the animal shelter because I've always love animals a lot...

Ashton: nice! *smiles*

You: that's basically it. I guess.

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