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Matthew Williams was the quiet type. He was often over looked or mistaken for his American brother Alfred. He managed to keep it pretty well hidden (not that anyone would notice) but he was actually pretty lonely. To be honest, his only friend was a little polar bear named....uh...well that doesn't matter right now. He didn't even see the point of going to these stupid meetings. He was currently sitting in the corner of the room, listening to Alfred, Arthur, and Francis bickering. Ludwig looked like he was getting pretty angry, Feliciano was trying to calm him down. Hercules was asleep, as usual. Ivan just stared at everyone with his signature smile on his face. He sighed and decided to go get some fresh air. It's not like anyone will notice I'm gone anyway he thought, picking up his polar bear.

''Who are you?'' it asked.

''I am your owner Kumajiko, Canada.'' Matthew replied.

''Kumajirou.'' the polar bear corrected him.

''Sorry Kumajerri.'' Matthew said, leaving the room

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