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When Matthew woke, he decided he wanted to go to the quaint little café. He ordered his food and as he turned to leave he bumped into someone. Fixing his glasses and holding his bag of food close he said sorry and went to go past.

''It's okay Matti-Matthew.'' Feliciano almost slipped up and called Matthew his nickname. That was a close one... he thought.

''Oh, h-hi Feliciano.'' He stuttered, now even more flustered. Feliciano smiled.

''Well, since I uh sorta knocked your breakfast down do you want to c-come over to m-my place for breakfast?'' Matthew asked looking down, a light blush creeping across his face.

''Si, that would be nice. Grazie.'' Feliciano said happily. Yay! Mattie invited me over! Feliciano thought happily, smiling to himself.

''O-Okay, let's g-go."

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