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When Feliciano woke, Matthew was using his chest as a pillow, the blanket wrapped around him. Feliciano smiled and kissed the Canadian's forehead and swung his legs around and got out of bed. He never even meant to spend the night, I never meant to do anything that happened last night, but I'm happy I did. he thought. He got dressed and went downstairs, he walked in the living too and saw Matthew's American brother, Alfred.

''Dude, when did you get here?'' he asked, scanning the still slightly tired Italian.

''I spent the night.'' he answer with a yawn.

''Mattie got some?! Dude why did no one tell me?!'' he said, and not but five minutes later, Matthew came in the room rubbing his eyes sleepily.

''Alfred why did you yell?'' he asked yawning. He's so cute when he yawns. Ha, he's just a little cutie in general. Feliciano thought,

''Because my little bro hit it off last night!'' Alfred yelled. Matthew blushed furiously sending a sheepish smile to Feliciano.

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