Unanswered Love?

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Yes, he came and sat next to me

but did he want my vicinity

or want the Wi-Fi connectivity?

Yes, he was humming a song then

but was it dedicated to me

or merely a last song syndrome again?

Yes, the singing halted in the middle

Did he forget the lyrics

or want me to complete the riddle?

Yes, he expressed feelings through words

but was it the grammar mistake

or I didn't understand it on purpose?

Yes, now he has stopped doing that

Is it because I haven't moved a single step

or is it merely a game of cats and rat?

Yes, now he has started hating me

Is it because I didn't value his feelings

or is it just what my illusion revealing?

But his feelings are still dubious

because you can't confirm it

when you don't have the same for him yet.

Referring to the complexity above,

I rather like to be an ungrateful girl

& pay the price for an unanswered love.

Yes, there are times when I feel all alone, 

but sometimes it's not about no one liking you a bit

but many have liked you more than what you can keep.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2016 ⏰

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