45: Words of God and Love (Sonnet)

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Challenge Yourself
By Fox-Trot-9

45: Words of God and Love

Words are all I have to take away the pain
That writhes and twists inside this beating heart,
Shaping it into words of soothing rain
Over the bloody shards that lie apart
Upon the canvass of this empty page;
And though my words would float upon my breath
In molecules as weightless as a plague,
The Word of God outstrips the strength of death
And gives new life upon the dying stage.
So by these words of mortal breath, God, give
Me strength to bear what I can't stop or change;
And, God, grant me the will and pluck to live
And love the things that I can rearrange.
      For words of love, like acts of love, can sow
      New hopes inside the heart and let them grow.

(To be continued...)

A/N: I haven't posted a poem in nearly 3 months, and after talking to several people in the forums over my family situation, their sympathy and strength have inspired me to write down this sonnet. You have no idea how beautiful you are, fellow Wattpadders!

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