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Prompt from Infinitefanfic
Amy's P.O.V-
  "Come on Holiday they are gonna beat us!" I yelled from the backseat of the car as we turned onto Welsh Street for the third time.
   "I'm trying A-Rod I just can't figure the directions out."
     "Turn left! No right!"
"Jesus Amy they probably haven't even left the stadium yet calm down."
"Look its right there! Come on."
"Stop yelling." Abby groaned from the backseat.
"What are you doing there's a parking spot right there!"
"Amy. Stop." Shannon sighed as she stared out the window.
"Oh come on Boxxy! I can see the team bus from here!" I yelled but quickly lowered my voice to a whisper as Abby shot a death glare through the rear view mirror.
"Amy I will drop your room key into the sewer." Abby threatened but it was too late I already had my hood on my head and was halfway towards to the door. Before stopping as I spent around with my hands on my hips and stared at the 3 women.
       "Lets go before she has a heart attack." Shannon joked as she stepped out of the car.
With in minutes they filed out of the car and followed my lead. We heading into the hotel as Lauren asked for directions to the conference room of the hotel only to find it filled with equipment, as if the team had moved in.
   "They must be devastated."
"They'll get over it. They have to. It's just how the game goes." Abby replied causally like any good captain would.
"Yeah it just sucks some times." I sighed as the door opened to reveal a small boy barely out of teens.
"Ma'ams? The team has just entered the building."
"Thank you." Shannon replied before raising out of her seat and walking into the room connected to the conference room and calling for us to follow.
"Fine." I wined and slowly rose from the comfort of the seat and follow behind her just as the door opened.
"Can we just go to our rooms." I heard an exhausted Morgan ask as I forced my ear against the door despite Lauren's demands not to.
"No. I know it's been a long game. But that doesn't mean we don't have to talk about it. In fact, the fact that we lost gives us even more of a reason to talk about it. But that can wait, right now there are some people who want to talk to you guys."
"I said there are people that wanted to talk to you guys!" Coach yelled.
"Oh that's us!" I exclaimed as I struggled to open the door.
"Twist it left? Ok no. Maybe right? No no that doesn't work either." I thought to myself as I countinued to turn the knob. When I felt Abby reach from behind me and open it with one try.
I considered saying thank you but then remembered it was Abby and practically ran out of the enclosed space.
"Hey!" I yelled out of pure excitement to see my teammates again.
"Guys you all know who these people are and for the new players if you don't then just ... stop."
"Ha thanks for that um introduction Jill but yeah I'm Abby and that's Boxxy, A-rod, and Cheney..."
"We know!" Ash yelled from the back of the room causing majority of the team to burst out in laughter.
"Hey!" Abby yelled causing the room to automatically fall silent, as if she was wearing the captain arm band again.
"Listen up because I'm too old to yell."
"Your too old for a lot of things!"
"Sorry." She whispered as she slouched down in her seat holding back her laughter.
I wish I could tell you about the long and encouraging speech Abby gave but I honestly wasn't paying that much attention. I couldn't help but stare at the disappointment on Mal's face as she stared at the ground. When I realized Tobin wasn't in the room. For sure Tobin would be the one to comfort someone after a loss but she wasn't there. In fact she wasn't in the room at all.
"Holiday, do you see Tobs?" I whispered into Lauren's ear hoping she wasn't too into the conversation to not notice the drifters disappearance.
   "No." She whispered back before returning her attention to the speech.
  A small sigh escaped my lips as I made my way over to Dawn after deciding not to bother Jill.
   "Hey A-Rod is everything ok?"
   "Yes, thanks for asking I was just wondering if you know where Tobin went."
    "Um I actually don't know..." she muttered as she scanned the room. "Try checking her room Pugh should have a key."
  "Thanks Dawn." I whispered before tip toeing over to the back of the room and the young girl nearly falling causing small laughs to escape my teammates mouths, before Abby grabbed their attention again.
   "Hey." I whispered into her ear causing her to jump and lift her eyes from the floor for the first time since she walked in the door.
   "Can I help you?"
    "Is there anyway I could see your room key to go check on Tobin?"
   "Oh yeah sure." She exclaimed as if she just realized the woman's disappearance which didn't surprise me at all considering she spent the past 8 minutes staring at her cleats. "Sorry Mrs. Rodriquez."
   "Um thanks?" I replied a little thrown off my the name change before quietly slipping out of the room.
   "I really need to talk to that girl." I reminded myself before making my way to the elevator.
  I quickly pressed the number six from the card and considered pressing more before remembering the urgency of the situation and deciding to be the mature one for once.
  I rushed down the hall before stopping in front of 304 and sliding the card through the reader. I opened the door to find Tobin's bag thrown onto the bed along with a bunch of other random things ,but it was Tobin we were talking about so it was no surprise.
"Tobs?" I called as I stepped into the bathroom determined to find the girl when I heard soft mumbles coming from the balcony. "Tobs?"
"Mal go back to the meeting." She called without even looking in my direction.
"Tobin it's me." I replied as I stepped out into the sunlight causing her to whip around at lightning speed nearly dropping the clear bottle that I didn't even notice was in her hand.
   "Fuck." She muttered catching it at the last minute but I wasn't sure if she was cursing because she dropped it or because I walked in but either way it  really upset me.
   "When did you start drinking?" I asked curiously as I tilted my head to the side while remember all the nights she'd turned down alcohol. I mean sure she had some here and there but half a bottle of vodka was a lot more than just 'some.'
   "What are you doing here?" She slurred before slouching down into the seat in front of her.
   "You would know if you came to the meeting now when did you start drinking?"
   "I've always drunk alcohol." She replied casually.
Tobin's P.O.V
"A- Rod?" I heard a soft voice call from the room as Lauren's soft curls made their way into view. "Tobs? What's going on?"
  "Nothing." I shrugged
  "Tobin's drunk."
   "Am not." I replied before connecting my lips to the rim of the bottle once again.
     "God Heath how much have you been drinking?" She asked as she ripped the bottle out of my hand.
      "Hey!" I yelled
       "Who's drinking?" A familiar voice came from the room as the door opened once again.
  God another one? Why can't they just leave me alone?
      "Did you drink all of this kiddo?" Abby asked as she examined the empty bottle.
       "No!" I sighed as I got up pushing past them before plopping down on the bed. "I drunk half yesterday." I shrugged.
      "Half? God T did Mal see you?"
      " Did you give Mal any?"
      "You know this isn't healthy right?"
      "What would Press think?"
"You guys are over reacting." I slurred as I laid back on the bed clearly pissing them off.
"Tobin what if a fan caught you out drunk?" Abby asked.
"Oh you're one to talk! Did you forget your little TMZ accident already? No wonder Sarah left you." I spat as I got up walking towards the door.
"Tobin!" Lauren yelled after me. I didn't know if it was because of my comment ,or because I was leaving but I didn't care as I swung the door open only to run directly into Christen.
"Hey babe I was... are you ok?"
"Yeah I'm fucking great." I sighed as I brushed past the brunette.
"Tobin wait!" She yelled as she grabbed my wrist.
"Let me go!" I yelled as I ripped my hand out of hers. I could see the fear in her eyes ,but I kept walking anyway leaving her to wonder as I made my way outside.
  "Tobin stop!"
   "You again." I sighed as Abby came racing down the steps.
   "What the hell was that?"
    "What are you talking about?"
    "I mean what happened with Press."
    "Oh trust me I don't need relationship advice from you." I spat knowing she was still sore over the split hoping that it make her go away.
    "Oh yeah because advice from a bottle of vodka is so much better? Heath you can't treat her like that, you can't treat people like that."
      "And why should I listen to you?" I scoffed as I kicked the gravel underneath my feet avoiding her gaze.
      "Because... because I know what it's like to lose someone you love." She sighed as she ran her hand through her hair as if she was looking for the right words to say. "You just- you need help Tobin."  I stared down at the ground in front of me as my vision became unclear and I found my self losing balance.
She's right. She's always right.

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