Send Off- Messie

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"Come on Jess let's go!" Called Teagan even though she was only a few feet away from the small Canadian who was still trying to figure out what to wear. She didn't want to go out and The Australian knew it but there was supposed to be a party for Pugh before she took off and the whole team had to be there.
"I just don't see why it's a big deal." She sighed as she settled on plain black jeans with a blazer.
"Oh come on Flem." The Aussie begged.
"No seriously! I just don't get why it's so important people leave teams all the time they don't get parties."
"Well it's different and besides I thought you liked Mal."
"I never said I didn't I just said this is pointless' besides she's only been in like 3 games." She sighed. "I just I thought she would go far here."
"Yeah me too, everyone was so hyped about you two playing together, I guess that's kind of over now." Tegan chuckled just as Jessie finished lacing her shoes.
"You just don't know her that well."
"You do realize I met her before you right?" Jessie asked with one eye cocked up at the taller girl.
"Yes and I've talked to her a lot more than you ever have. Besides you still have a night right? Come on let's go."

The girls made their way around campus slowly still in their freshman state hoping they didn't look too lost, when they finally found the building they were looking for.

The place was not as packed as they thought it would be but people were still filling in as they weaved their way through the crowd to find Anika.
"Fleming oh so young why's your face look so so glum?"
"Are you drunk?"
"Are you not?" She asked as she flung a hand on her chest . "Oh no, this won't do."
She quickly shoved her drink into Teagan's hand before running off and returning with too drinks and an American as Pugh came following behind.
  "Hey! Thanks for coming guys."
"No problem Pugh!" Chirped the Aussie.
"Yeah good luck by the way,"
"Really?" She chuckled, "You were the last person I expected to say that. I know you would have turned down the opportunity right away."
"It's nothing wrong with it I'm just really focused on school right now, besides once a bruin always a bruin or something like that right?" She joked as she grabbed the drink out of Mal's hand with uncertainty.
"Guys!" Anika yelled as she ran up to the two causing Jessie to neatly spill her drink. "Me and Teagan the Tiger over here." She shouted as she slapped Jessie's room mate on the back, "Have made an executive decision that we HAVE to take goodbye shots!" Causing Marley to run up at the mention of the word.
"I'm out." Jessie replied quickly knowing alcohol did not sit well with her but when she saw the look on her teammates faces she couldn't help but give in. "Fine but only one!"
"Yeah, yeah we know now come on! It's time to get this party started!"
But it wasn't just one shot, it was 6, and  Jessie had given up on her sense of mind long ago as she sat in the corner staring intensively at her screen.
"Whatcha playing Flem?" Mal asked as she plopped down next to the Canadian clearly able to hold her liquor a lot better.
"Ugh... nothing." Jessie replied as she continued to tap away.
"I see." Mal sighed as she looked over to see that the phone was turned off and completely blank. "Hey!" She joked as she ripped the phone out of her hands. "Maybe we should head back."
"We? You can't leave you're own party."
"I can If I'm wasted, now let's go." Mal joked as she helped the older girl on to her feet and lead them out of the crowed room before sending a quick text to Marley and Teagan letting them know they left.
Halfway to the dorms Mallory could feel the alcohol beginning to kick in as she struggled to stay balanced all while keeping the Olympian on her feet.
"Race you to our floor!" Jesse yelled before ripping away from the American and taking off with Mal following behind.
It wasn't until the reached the hallway that Mallory realized she didn't have her key, as Jessie did a victory dance before swinging her door open.
"Come on loser. Anika's gonna take forever to come back besides Teagan is probably gonna go visit her girlfriend anyway." She sighed as she plopped down on her bed.
"Let's play a game!" Mal chirped from the other side of the room catching Jessie by surprise just as her eyes began to close.
"A game?"
"That's that I said." She joked, "A wise woman named Kelley once told me you can never fully experience drinking until you play a game while drunk." She said matter of a factly with her hands on her hips.
"Yes O'Hara" she sighed, "God you talk a lot when you are drunk." Mallory joked before making her way over to the older girls bed, as she pulled up truth or dare.
*8 hours later*
Jessie opened her eyes slowly before jumping back as she noticed the half clothed American in her bed. She began to panic as she looked around for teagan eventually running into the hallway to find her exciting another room. The young Canadian was about to question why she didn't stop her but after noticing the look on her face she knew she was in the same situation as she ran her hands through her hair.
"Jessie just breath ok. What happened?"
"I- I don't know." She cried before the two foreigners whipped around to she the brunette exciting the room with a wink.
"Hey Fleming, thanks for the send off"
I got this prompt from Instagram but I completely forgot who. 😂 Anyway I high key really like this ship even though it will never happen unlike some *cough* Krashlyn *cough*. But if you have any suggestions or ships just let me know!

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