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Trevor pov

I have been following her for almost half an hour and when we reach some kinda dead end she stops turns back and starts searching someone I hide myself behind a tree, I hope she won't find me. But she looks frustrated and confused. And after looking in all directions she takes her phone I guess to call 'what else you stupid obviously to call I don't think she is some who takes selfies all the time wherever they go she is more sensible than that it's obvious to call' Damien hisses in my mind ofcourse duh where else..

And now somebody is calling me too because I feel ma phone ring so I take ma phone out and surprise surprise it's ma mate calling ok yeah we exchanged our number duh we have been friends from my day one in college and we are neighbours too. So coming back I cautiously click answer " Hello " I say.

"Trevor, Hi.. Ugh did you go back home?" what is she asking?

I clear my voice a bit nervous though " yeahh I am home." I lie seeing her expression morph into dissapointment and some tension creep in her face.

"Oh ok that's cool then see you around.. Uh good night." She says abruptly I am confused now.

"Ok. Mauna what happened? Tell me is anything wrong?" I try to persuade her into telling me her delima I can't make out her expressions exactly ' Damn we are not mated or else we could read her thoughts ' yeah sherlock I think back to Damien who wants to talk and distract me from the task on hand.

There is some silence and from her looks she is pretty uncomfortable she takes deep breath " Ok I will come straight to point. Hmm are you following me? Please don't lie cause I am like 110% sure it was you who I saw like 6 to 7 times.. So am I right or am I right?? " She asks me which double shocks me.

Ok I guess I give up. " I am sorry but yes I was following you" I admit to her.

" Oh that means your not following me anymore what am I going to do now? " She whines through her phone.

"Ok. So what is wrong??" I ask her.

"Ahh well hm I knew you were following me so I decided to you know have some fun and decided to go in wrong directions when I found you still following me I started walking in completely unknown directions. Ugh." She tells as if somebody is going to slap her after this confession which I some how find very cute but irritated as well because I never thought she would be this smart I maintained like pretty good distance from her how can she find me?

" Ok so what?" I asked sounding irritated.

" Ok well while walking I kinda got distracted and was lost in thoughts and now I don't remember the way back home so I thought I could ask you " She stands there clueless watching her surroundings consciously.

And that is my friends I find it weirdly funny how she got caught into her twisted prank and I started laughing. You know like really hard I forgot about her in call just was laughing when I sobered up I had to blink again because standing in front of me is none other than Mauna. And you can never miss the deathly glare that is purely radiated towards me. Whatever humour was there they just left me and I made a serious look.

She looks annoyed " Now if you have finished making fun of me can you please tell me the way back to our apartment building? Pleeeeassee" She makes I don't know what face is that but I break down laughing again.

Finally we reach our apartment all the way bickering and how she was lost and stuff.

When we reach her apartment she stopped near door searching for her keys when she found her keys she faced me moving to put her weight from one leg to other.
" well I am glad you followed or else it would be very difficult reaching home. Even though your kind of a reason for me to be lost in first place but I forgive you for that" She says and makes a naughty face which turns me speechless it was too cute to be true. But it was.

I cleared my throat and acted cool " Oh yeah I am the one who should be begging your forgiveness because I was a gentleman back there not leaving a girl on her own trying to protect her" I add my sarcasm and tell it with a smirk.

She gives me challenging look "Oh you were there to protect me? Wow I didn't find you taking any punches that came my way. I didn't need your protection nor you did give me any". She told now looking quite angry.

I like her railed up more now. I smirk again " Feisty are we? Ok I agree that but I stuck to you to guide you back." I say lamely. Giving her my own I am the best look.

Finally we bade each other good bye and good night though I wanted to stay with her for some more time.

From then on we have been close and I also made sure she never heard the end of it I always bring that topic whenever I can. It's not some sadistic pleasure in embarrassing her for a fact I don't talk a single word about that when we have someone with us, just when only we both are not having any company I take that topic and I have ma own reasons and that is she looks damn too cute when she blushes.

Well we both decided to take a stroll in the park and I am walking down to meet her near the gate that is when I see her talking on her phone when I go near I can see she is very happy she is really bouncing on her feet. When she sees me she waves and makes gesture of peace mouthing two minutes.

I can hear from where I am standing and I also learnt that she can't whisper or talk slowly while she is on phone it looks like she is yelling but she is not she is just talking.

I can't really understand what she is talking because she is talking in her regional language which is called kannad. Which sounds very soothing, well for that matter I don't know which is not soothing anymore? All the things she speaks somehow puts me in peace and when I snap out she is talking in english.

" I know baby, I love you, I miss you soo much. Even though I have adjusted here and have made friends I still miss you " there is a pause unknowingly I am confused and angry but then I try to reason my self may be it's her parents or her brother it could even be her friend no worries I take deep breaths to calm myself. She nods her head " Ok babu I love you too.. Yeahh take care baby and don't go behind any German girl am I clear or else you know the consequences don't you ??" She tries to make a strict face then ends up laughing. " Hahaha. I know chinnu I know. Ok. I know you don't want to cut the call but we have to so I am gonna cut it. Bye take care miss you love you.." She closes her eyes presses her phone like it's physically hurting to do this and takes deep breathes.

Ok now my logics don't work you don't threaten your parents not to fall for German girl infact you don't threaten anyone unless that person is your boyfriend. Ohh shizz why didn't I notice this till today. I thought it was going to be easy oh Goddess help me.

When I am sending my prayers I see her coming towards me she waves again I wave back awkwardly she comes close to me.

" shall we go?" She asks casually.

Casual my foot I am dying here and I need to know. So I ask the most important question
" Who were you talking with?"

She shrugs as if it's not important " I was talking to Amar" She gives a happy smile.

Hi friends,

I just want to THANK all those who read this, those who vote comment or add my story to their reading list. I love you guys. Mmmuuuaahh :-*. Take care guys. See you soon.

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