Part 1 : Slow Steps

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Makoto Pov

My grandfather always tell me the story about our ancestors and tell me that my look are so much alike him. Sakata Ryoma is my ancestor and a great swordsman. He always like to travel and learn about Western culture but what interests me is his comrade that fight along with him during the Edo period. Nagakura Toushiro his skill are match with Ryoma and they are likes brother. He from the nobel family and didn't care about the status and befriend Ryoma a merely third grade samurai family.

Even i was from the Sakata family i always want to be like Toushiro. He was my idol.

"Sakata Makoto! Stop practicing you have to go with Harumi to take your wedding measurements!"

My mom stomped her feet at me angrily and i wipe off the morning sweat from kendo practice.

"Morning mom.."

I grab a cold water and chugs it in one go.

"Don't morning me you kendo freak! It's already afternoon and you be late to the shop appointment! Move your ass up and get ready!"

My mom push me to my room and throw me my towel. I sigh and start washing my body.

My whole life fill with kendo practice and i don't complain about it because it's what i want to do. Sure i get beaten but now thanks to my hard work i was earn the title of champion 5 straight through the years.

My mom want some grandchild and she arranged a wedding for me. I will do anything to pleased her. She been sad since dad are in coma state after his retirement competition. He was hit hard at the head and been in coma state until now.

My mom want me to retire and get married. Sure i can get married but to retire from my kendo world is hard. It's half of my live i can't throw it away.

I replaced dad and teach the young kid about kendo. Teaching young kid about kendo is fun and the kid are happy to learn.

"Sakata Makoto get your ass down now or i go up there and drag you down!!"

I hurriedly dressed myself and walk down. When she mad it's terrified and i don't want she drag me by the ear to the store that will be embarrassing.

"Let's go mom Harumi are waiting there"

She slap my arm and i hiss in pain. I smile at her with sorry eyes and she glare dagger at me.

"And whose fault are that?"

I open the passenger sit and she climb in. I slowly shut the door and get in the driver sit.

"I love you mom.."

I lean on her shoulder with puppy eyes and she give up gently pat my head.

"Enough..just drive.."

We pasted our seatbelt and i drive us to the store. I gentlemanly open the door for her and she rolled her eyes.

"I swear if you do that to other girls than your fiancee i kill you myself."

I open the door store for her and i kiss her cheek.

"Don't worry mom i only do this to you because you are special to me."

She slap my head and went inside. I rub my pain head and follow behind her.

"Sorry Harumi we are late because this idiot kendo head lost track of time."

Mom kiss Harumi cheek and she do the same to my mom

"It's fine mother..i just only got here beside i can take my time and look at the wedding dress."

She smile gently and i give her a apology smile. She is gently and calm. Too good for me i wander what she see in me.

"Makoto let's take the measurement.."

Harumi gently tug my arm and i let her lead me. My mom busy scanning the wedding dress book. She more excited than me like she the one that gonna get married.

We spend there 3 hour and my mom dump me so that i can have a romantic dinner with Harumi. I don't mind if my mom tag along i'm sure Harumi didn't mind.

"I'm happy we get our time alone..your mother are really clingy."

She laugh while cover her mouth. I glare at her not pleased the way she talk about my mother.

"It's not that my mom are clingy it's me that clingy at her so don't you ever insult my mother!"

She gasp at my reaction and look away.

"I'm sorry i didn't mean that's just we never have time alone.."

She reach my hand on the table and i pull my hand away. She look at me sadly.

"I call you a cab."

I get up and pay for our expensive dinner that i didn't even touch and call a cab for her.

"Makoto listen! I'm sorry is what i say made you mad! But i just need our time alone!"

I glare at her and she flinch at me

"And why you need that?"

She stare at me with pleading eyes but i just ignore it. I can't stand if someone insult my mother.

"Do you even love me Makoto?"

The cab arrived and i open the door for her.

"No..i just do this because my mother asked me to do it."

She slap me and climb in the cab with teary eyes.

"I hope you never be with the one you love."

The cab drive away and i huff at her.

How dare she curse me.

Even though i was in the blame here i didn't felt guilty a bit. I just state the truth and damn my mom gonna be pissed if she found out the wedding are out.

That night are bit windy and i was shock to be blow away by this big blue tornado. I didn't remember anything what happens that day but when i wake up i was in this wooden room and in strange place.

I touch my face and pull my long brown hair. I walk out and saw the black sky that fill with glittering star. I look my surrounding and saw dirt road and grain field.

"What the?"

Checking my attire i was wearing a white yukata .

"You re up Ryoma? Wanna join me for some sake?"

A tall man that wearing green yukata approach me while waving a bottle of sake. He have long black hair that tied neatly in pony tail.

And Ryoma? Did he just call me Ryoma?

"Urm are you by any chance Nagakura Toushiro my comrade?"

He look at me with weird eyes and check my forehead.

"Are you having a nightmare? Why the hell the demon want to be our comrades?"

He sit by the porch and pat his side so i sit and he pour me some sake.

"Then who are you?"

He coughs his sake and look at me with disbelief eyes.

"Did you knock your head or something? How could you forget about your childhood friend.."

He sigh sadly and pour him a some sake

"Iyasu Homura...don't forget that butt head."

He bumped his forehead to mine and i hiss in pain as he just laugh it off with wide mouth.

I don't know what happens to me..but i know that i was been sent back to my great grandfather era and i can finally meet idol,Nagakura Toushiro here.

I just have to take one step ahead to find my way out of here.

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