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Do I even have to explain myself?

Why is it that teenagers are obsessed with players? I'm mean bad boys may be understandable, but players? Why the hell would you want to kiss someone who kissed like a bajillion other girls before you? 

That's spreading germs. Do you even have any idea how many diseases you can get from that? 

And on some stories they even do them. like what? One word for you bitches. Herpes. 

And that's why they are unrealistic. and yet they have more reads than stories that are actually good. I mean if you search the word 'player' you would get 11,386 results just for the romance genre but when you search 'stories that actually have a point' you don't even get any results? (yes sluts i did my research)

The answer to that question is hormonal teenagers. They're taking over. Like a virus. It's even scientifically proven.

I've even seen a story story that was about a player vampire. THAT isn't even possible. Seriously? That's just gross. I mean if you kiss him just imagine how many other girls' saliva that's in your mouth now. GROSS. and worse he's dead. I don't even want to know what inspired the author to write that. 

I guess the real lesson to this rant is don't do players or vampire players, keep your dirty thoughts in your head where no one can read them and keep your hormones under control. 

and don't do drugs.

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