overly sensitive bitches

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okay so let me start by saying, just because one person told you that you aren't pretty doesn't mean you are bullied nor does it mean that you should try to commit suicide or even cut. 

Depression is serious. Im tired of seeing 13 year old girls saying that they are 'depressed' just because they didn't get the latest miley cyrus album. Or spoiled teenagers saying how horrible their life is because they didn't get a car for their birthday. And Im just sitting here typing with my laptop thats missing half of the keyboard. 

Stop saying you wanna die, you're fucking ten.

And don't even get me started on these tribute threads around the mdc. If you delete your account and tried to kill yourself because one person pmed you that they don't specifically like you, you might, just a little, tiny wee-bit overreacting. 

I mean i have seen real cyber-bullying, and let me tell you how lucky you are. I have been bullied more than once, but you don't see me trying to jump off a cliff. If some dude told you that you're fat, stop crying you little bitch, deal with it. Kick him in the balls or something. Crying won't get you anywhere. 

And im pretty sure a real depressed person wouldn't want they're bestfriend or anyone at all to tell the world who or how they were bullied. 

People are so senstive that they're starting to make tribute threads for a person who is going on a hiatus for like a week.

Its so stupid. Can you just like stop?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2014 ⏰

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