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I squeezed into the chair awkwardly, taking out my math book. I opened to the homework page and he helped me with the homework. He re-explained it, trying to get me to understand and slowly it was working.

By an hour or so later I finally understood. "Thanks for the help," I smiled, getting up from my seat. "Anytime," he said. I then stood there awkwardly as he collected his things. "I guess I should go now," I said, walking backwards slowly. He looked at me for a second and nodded. "Oh, yeah. Go ahead."

But the truth is, I didn't wanna leave. Was it wrong that I wanted to stay? I just wanted to look at his face, it's not like i'm getting involved with him. "Um, where you headed off too?" I asked awkwardly. "I'm just going home to my wife," he said, putting emphasis on the word wife.

Wow, I guess I made him think i'm into him.

"Cool." I then turned around and began to walk out the door. As soon as I was about to turn the knob and walk out, I heard his voice.

"(Name), are you interested in going out with me in public?"

Okay, that took me by suprise. I turned around and realized he was much, much closer now. "Um, um.." I couldn't even finish my sentence as I found my eyes trailing down to his lips.

This was so wrong!

I mentally scolded myself and looked back into his eyes. He obviously noticed me because he smirked. "Is that a yes?" He asked. "You just said you had a wife and you're asking to go out with me?" I asked in a daring tone.

"Now, why would I do that?" He said sarcastically with a smirk. I popped my mouth in a thin line, debating on what to say. When no words came out, he placed his hand on my arm. I looked at it confused. What was he trying to get out of me?

"I have to go," I managed to say. His smirk widened and he let go of my arm. He then went to the door and held it open for me.

I smiled awkwardly as if nothing had happened and walked out.

Madara x Reader (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now