Chat #3 - Includes Voldemort

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This one is suggested by @skyealita

She has 3 good books! Check em out!

Please suggest some more stories to do!


Peace out

- Bella ✌

Chat #3: Voldemort.

Quick A/N this is also kinda based off a funny pic I saw on insta. - Bella ✌

HarryPotter updated his status: RIP Mom and Dad. I miss you as always. Xx

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HermioneGranger: I feel so sorry for you Harry! I am sure that you are sad, but you deal with it so well. I'm sure that your parents are proud of all the hard work you have put into your quidditch and saving the world. Xx

RonW: I feel sorry for you, but cheer up buddy! Hermione is right, although I hate to admit it :/

HermioneGranger: I know I'm right Ronald.

GinnyWeasley<3: Cheer up bby, you have me! Xx

HarryPotter: Thnx Ginny <3 Xx

RonW: be careful Harry, that's my sister!

IamLordVoldemort: HAHA! Harry's parents are dead!

HarryPotter: YOU killed them. YOU should know. You don't have to say that to me now.

IamLordVoldemort: I like to rub it in tho! **insert evil laugh here**

HarryPotter: Just go away!

IamLordVoldemort: I'm gonna go eat dinner... with my parents!

DumbledoreRulez: But Tom, Your parents are dead.

HarryPotter: OH SNAP!

IamLordVoldemort: ...

HarryPotter: Hey Voldy, I'm gonna go and SMELL some flowers! Wanna come? Oh wait, you can't! YOU DON'T HAVE A NOSE! Haha LOL!

DumbledoreRulez: BURN!!!!

IamLordVoldemort has logged off.

HarryPotter: **Virtually high-fives Dumbledore**



Thanks for reading.

Thanks again @skyealita for the suggestion.

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Peace Out

- Bella ✌

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