Chat #5 - Includes Celebrities

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A/N - Hey guys!

Another update!

I got the idea off of some pics I saw on the interwebs.

Hope you like it!

Peace Out

- Bella ✌️

Chat #5: Includes Celebrities


Rebecca.Black has updated her status: Yesterday was Thursday. Today it is Fryday.


345 dislikes


Tayla.Hills: OMG I LOVE THAT SONG <3


IamLordVoldemort: Congratulations for learning the days of the weak, stupid muggle

Rebecca.Black: Uh...What's a muggle?

HermioneGranger: Someone who can't spell FRIDAY, obviously!

Prof.Snape: 10 points to Gryffindor.


HarryPotter has updated his status: Everyday is a great day. I have an awesome life. But there isn't a day that goes by that I don't miss you guys. I'm just lucky to have such amazing friends to help me through. I love and miss you Mum and Dad. I wish Voldemort hadn't ever existed. If he didn't exist, you would be alive.


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GinnyWeasley<3: Harry I love you so much <3 I'm sure your mum and dad are very proud of you. I know I am.

HarryPotter: Thanks Ginny. I love you to Xx

Justin.Bieber: Wait, Voldemort killed ur parents?

HarryPotter: Yeah :(

Justin.Bieber: Now the movies make sense!

HermioneGranger: Movies? What movies?

Justin.Bieber: U know, the Harry Potter movies. They r books to. I haven't read the books tho. I can't read vry well so...

HermioneGranger: What do you mean...Books? And how come I haven't read them yet if they are books?!

Justin.Bieber: They r rlly popular. U should read them. U would like them.

HermioneGranger: How would you know. You can't read, muggle.

Justin.Bieber: Wow. Ur rude. Take a chill pill.

HarryPotter: Can you guys not start fighting please! At least not on this post!

HermioneGranger: Fine Harry.

Justin.Bieber: Anyway, Harry I no it sucks dat ur parentz died and stuff, but everything happens 4 a reason #YOLO #SWAG

HarryPotter: Um...

IamLordVoldemort: Don't worry Harry, he's next.


A/N - Hey Guys!

First off, no hate to Rebecca Black. If you like her, and her songs, don't be offended. I don't like the song Friday but she makes awesome YouTube vids now!

Secondly, If you're a Belieber, I hope this didn't offend you. I don't mean any hate by it. I personally don't like JB. I do know that he is talented, I don't deny it. But I don't like his attitude and his behavior.

Anyway, hope you liked this chapter.

Please comment ideas that you have!



Keep Reading!

Peace Out

- Bella ✌️

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2014 ⏰

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