December 16, Friday

15 1 0

Hi! Look, I know there wasnt a December 15 here since it was about a movie, plus oh mai gawd Darth Vader...

Ohkay so today was the Christmas party and man! It took I think an hour or 2?

So yeah you already know, Exchange gifts, Food, Games...

But there were sound systems! Guvo's actually like a DJ to be honest, I still remember one time where we played Newspaper dance, Unfortunately, I was second with him :'3

Its fine though, they werent able to play Say it Again, that was supposed to be for Kal though... They werent able to play it, but its fine at least he knew the song anyway

And now, Im just staying here on my bed just wondering about life... Yhep... Just wondering about life... And Im going to have to leave this short since Im still working with the Third part of Vocaloid HS!


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