Vocaloid HS The Disaster: Day Three

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Its already another morning, so far Zero, Amore, Rose, and Sia already found Tesero, Kayada, and Neketo... The others are still struggling to find the others... Some have discovered a shed, where they can find supplies for survival...

With Zero and the others(Zero's POV)

"Zero, is it alright if you can take care of Star now please...?! I cant take her cuteness alot!", "Oh sure Amore, sorry about that... Star just loves being cute"

I still wonder why Amore doesnt like cuteness... Maybe she's just not taking it well or maybe it just reminds her of her old days... Its fine though, maybe I can ask one of the boys to take care of Star for me

"Hey Kayada, can you please take care of Star for me?", "Sorry Zero, but me, Tesero, and Neketo will try to find more supplies, how about find another guy to take care of Star for you?", "Oh, Thank you anyway...", man its hard finding someone to take care of Star for me...

Its alright though... Maybe Ill just take care of Star instead, she can also be a good help for me when Im looking for some supplies as well...

"Uhm Zero? Have you seen my cat?", "Oh I havent, where did you last see your cat?", "In my dreams of me and my cat ruling the world! And destroying the human race!"

....right.... Then I just backed up a little bit from Neketo, juuuuust for him to take his "Plans of Destruction" to his own little mind for now, if its hard to find someone to take care of Star for me, maybe I could also bring her with me then

Its really worrying me that the others might be surviving on their own... What if a Bear attacks? Or maybe a snake was able to bite one of them, oh man Im so scared and worried...

After a short time, I saw Rose walking towards me, then she sat beside me on my right

(Rose's POV)
"Hey Zero, how are you right now?", "Oh Im fine Rose... Im just a bit worried about the others...", something's weird... Its like its the first time for me to see Zero this worried...

"Hey... Its alright Zero, there's no need to worry too much... The others are safe, I know that...", I then tried to comfort Zero with my own best, even though if Im a fallen angel, "Thanks Rose... But I wonder how Kade and Akita are...", "I wonder so too Zero... But Im sure they're safe..."

With Kade and Akita(Akita's POV)

"Kade are you sure we can find a signal here...?!", I questioned Kade as I put up my CP for finding a spot, "Im not so sure...", not even giving an eye contact on me... Is he really putting us to danger...?! "But... Im sure that we'll be saved", he then finally gave eye contact to me...

But even if we searched for a few minutes... Still no signal, we then both returned to the cave with supplies and wood we found on the road... Although Im scared that Kade might find another girl...

"H-Hey Kade...?", I then questioned Kade again but looked at his eyes with tears running down to my cheeks...

(Kade's POV)

"H-Hey Kade...?", she then looked at me with her sadness revealing on her face, "Yes...? Are you alright...?", I then asked her

Then all so sudden, she hugged me as if that I would be leaving her... But why...?

"A...Are you gonna find another girl who's better than me...?", she then asked me, giving out her full sadness, sobbing and hugging me tightly, as if she didnt want to let me leave her...

I then gave her a gentle smile as I petted her head, "Of course I wont... Seems to me that you are the best girl I found... How would I find another girl if I found you...?", she then wiped her tears off from my shirt...

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