Chapter 2- why is revenge so hard!?

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Pic of Zayn🔝
Next day (Saturday)

Sylvia POV

I woke up. I grabbed my phone and looked on Instagram,Facebook,snapchat etc. My phone buzzed.
We are going to Brandon's party. You're going to. Be ready in 10.-Chloe

Do I have any say in this! -me

Nope Dress hot. My definition of hot, not yours . - Chloe

I guess I'm going to a party today. But why in the morning?

I wore a black crop top, skinny jeans, white converses, and a black leather jacket that showed off my slim body.

Did I tell you that my friends ALWAYS drag me to parties? Like every weekend.

I walked downstairs and ate lucky charms.

Lucky and charms is the definition of heaven.

"I'm going to a party! Bye" I yelled for anyone to here. "No, you're not" Bob said. I rolled my eyes. "You don't tell us where you're going. We tell you where you're going. You're staying here since you have a c in math"Bob said. "It's a 79%." I said in a duh tone.  "I don't care. You're butt is staying here." Bob said.

"No it's not" I said and walked out the door before Bob could grab my arm. Chloe and Lizzie arrived just in time. I jumped in the car before Bob could chase after me.

"Drive! I yelled!" Chloe pressed on the gas Petal and we drove away. "What was that all about?" Lizzie asked as she sat in the front seat. "Bob" I chirped. "Gotcha" Lizzie said. "I hope Mark is there" Chloe said like a fan girl. Mark Simmons has been Chloe's crush since the 4th grade.

Why is everyone obsessed with dating? I don't get it.

When we arrived at the party, I could easily tell it wasn't a  stereotypical go school party. There wasn't music blasting so loud that everyone in the whole neighborhood could hear but it wasn't so quiet that your neighbor could hear, ya know?

It was  tame.

We walked into this gigantic house in silence. We were breath taken. "It's the show off!" I heard a familiar voice say from behind me. I turned on my heels and say Zayn with his entourage. I rolled my eyes. "What do you want?" I said and crossed my arms. "Someone has a attitude" one zayns "people" said.  "Revenge" Zayn said. "Ts not my fault that you were a mistake. It's not my fault you're dad forgot to put a condom on" I said and threw my hands up in surrender.

Zayn eyes widened. "Don't you ever talk about my mom and dad or else!" Zayn Said. "Or else what? I thought you were supposed to be a 'Bad boy'" I said. Zayn just stared at me Intensely.

I never I could make someone that mad........ Yay!

Zayn clenched his fists. "Listen Mathews, I don't know or care about who you are but get 1 thing straight. I will make you're life a living hell." Zayn said. I rolled my eyes. "Oh please. I'm not scared of some mediocre quarterback who can't even throw 1 complete pass who save his pathetic life" I said and crossed my arms. I saw a swarm of noisy teenagers surround us.

I hate stereotypical jocks. There cocky, annoying, and man hoes.

Zayn got closer to my face. "What do you know about football?" Zayn said. "I know a lot more than you"I said. Idiot. "There's not where in hell that it is true" Zayn said. "Trust me. It shows in the field" I said and patted his shoulders. I walked out of the crowd as everyone broke out into laughter.

"Sylvia! That was hilarious!" Chloe and Lizzie yelled as we walked out of the house. The party ended.

Time flys when you're having fun.

As we walked to the car, we all had a full-on conversation about the "roast battle" that happened in the past 10 minutes. "You're burnt his cookie!" Chloe said like a dork. I chuckled. "Finally, someone put him in his place" Lizzie said. I chuckled. "Mathews" I heard a familiar voice say behind me.

We all turned around and saw Zayn with his entourage behind him. "What are you going to do? Slap me with a glove and challenge me to a duel?" I said. Chloe and Lizzie snickered. "Listen here, you started a war and I'm gonna finish it?" Zayn said. So typical. I rolled my eyes. "Not right now. I'm too tired to play with you're Barbie dolls. Maybe later" I said. Everyone laughed... Including zayns entourage.

Someone is gonna get beat.

I saw Zayn with hose but before i could run he sprayed us...mostly me. "Aw. Is this the first time you got wet?" Zayn said as he continually sprayed me with cold water. Might I add that it's winter time and it's like 32 degrees without the wind. He finally stopped. I looked at him sternly, planning out my revenge.

"Let's go. I have some revenge to set up" I said to Chloe and Lizzie who were wet but wasn't as wet as me. We got into the car and drove away. When I got home, I barged in the house and walked upstairs trying to avoid any interaction with Bob. "Wait! Sylvia!" Bob yelled as I got the the 4th step of the steps. I walked back down dreading the conversation what was about to happen.

Bob looked at me with crosses arms. Oh great. "You're grounded" he said. Well, that was easy. "Define grounded" I retorted. "You can't go out to parties, no cell phone, no fun stuff besides school." He said. Wow. I'm grounded. I'm soooooo scared of being grounded for like 2 weeks(sarcasm). I have no life!

I slanted my eyebrow. "Listen here, Bob, I'm a teenager. If you think that I'm going to listen to you the you're mistakenly wrong. You need to work on your step-parent skills" I said and walked up the stairs. "Watch you're mouth" he said. I rolled my eyes as his annoying voice faintly disappeared as I walked up the steps.

I plopped down on my bed, staring at the ceiling.

How am I going to get Zayn back? Silly string? No, too easy. Water? He already did that. Putting post-it's on his car? No, takes too long. Embarrass him? I already did that. Ugh! How can revenge be so hard!?(ha ha... Hard.... Sorry, I'm dirty minded).

As I kept thinking about how I'm going to get revenge on Zayn, I quickly drifted off to sleep.

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