Chapter 15 -im so sorry

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Zayn POV

Still at the pizza dinner with team

I'm sitting next to Sylvia in the booth. I swear I'm gonna kill Tony. Why does everyone think they can just flirt with my girlfriend with me right there!? My phone vibrated which indicates that I got a text. It was my dad.

You need to come home. -dad

Y -me

Because you just do -dad

Tell me y first -me

We need to discuss something that I don't want to say over text -dad

Fine -me

Okay -dad

I hate texting my dad. It takes him forever to text back because he has gigantic fingers. God, I sound like a teenage girl getting pissed off because a guy didn't text her back. Which I don't understand. Why does a guy have to reply ligit right after the girl sent the text? I don't understands girls state of mind. First there all romantic, then there mad at you for taking 5 minutes to respond.

"As much as I would like to stay here and get embarrassed, I have to go." I said. Tony looked at me. "Don't worry, I'll take good care of Sylvia" Tony said with s smirk. I clenched my fists. I got up and so did Tony. "Don't ever flirt with my girlfriend or so be it, i will tear you're limbs apart." I threatened. Why does every fucking person have to flirt MY girlfriend. "I dare you" Tony said.

Before I could punch Tony, Sylvia put her hand on my chest. "Ok ok. Calm down. Let's go" she said to. "She saved you're life." I said. She took my hand and we headed out. Before I exited, I flipped off Tony. "Jelly" Sylvia mumbled. I wrapped my arms around her neck from behind. "I'm just protective" I said in her ear. Sylvia smiled.

We got into the car that Tony drove here, which is my car, and headed home. "How is the rest of the guys supposed to get home?" Sylvia asked. "Who cares?" I said. "Their  family" Sylvia said. "Sounds like a personal problem" I said. Sylvia punched my arm. I chuckled.

When we got home, we sat on the couch. "So, why did you're giant dad tell you to come home?" I asked. I honestly don't know.

Sylvia pov
Before Zayn could say anything, his dad came into the room with his head down. He sat down on the recliner across from the couch. "I didn't want you to bring Sylvia but I didn't want to be rude." He began to  say.

It's really refreshing when you're boyfriends dad said that they don't want me to be here. "Dad, what's going on?" Zayn asked. "You're mother.... breast cancer" he said and a tear went down his cheek. Oh my god.

I put my hand on Zayns leg in comfort. "I'm so sorry" I said and scooted closer to Zayn. Zayn ran his hands through his hair. I could tell Zayn was trying to hold back tears. "She's in the hospital right now. Do you want to come with me and see her?" The giant asked.  "No" Zayn said firmly. "I'm sorry, son." He said. Zayn nodded. The giant walked out of the house.

Zayn stood up and paced around the room. I don't know what to do. Should I let him be alone or comfort him? "Do you want me to leave?" I asked. "No. No. I'm fine." Zayn said. I knew Zayn he was gonna act tough about this. For as long as I known him, I knew he doesn't cry a lot. "Zayn" I said. "Yea." He said. "Come here" I said. Zayn walked closer to me and I pulled him for a hug.

Zayn rested his head on my shoulder and started crying. "I'm so sorry." I whispered in his ear. I know how much Zayn loves his mother. She did adopt him. Adoption isn't easy. Zayn told me that he thought that no one loves him and was going to be in the adoption center forever. He was so excited to find out he's getting out of there and actually have a family.

Now, the one family that he's apart of, the mother has cancer and might die. I couldn't do anything about it. I feel terrible. These things affect people and sometimes not in a good way. The only thing I can do is comfort him. He was there for me when I found out that my mother was pregnant and now I have to be here for him.

I kissed Zayns cheek. "It's going to be ok, I promise." I whispered in his ear. I never seen Zayn like this before. "I'm going to be here for you." I whispered in his ear again. Zayn lifted up his face from my shoulder. I wiped away the tears with my thumb. Zayn just looked at me. I could tell he was hurting. I grabbed his hand. I pecked him on the lips.

My calfs are hurting like hell right now because Zayn is like 10 feet taller than me, but I don't care. Zayn was still silent. I sighed. I hate seeing him like this. "Don't leave" Zayn said. "Never" I said. My cell began to ring. It was my dad. I rejected the call. I don't have time to deal with Bob right now. A few moments later my phone buzzed. It was A text message from Bob:

I heard about Zayns mother. I'm so sorry. You don't have to go to school tomorrow. Just comfort Zayn. That's you're responsibility right now. Love you

I put my phone down on the Tv stand. I sat back down on the couch and Zayn did to. I scooted next to Zayn and wrapped my hands around his torso. Zayn wrapped his arm around me. "I'm so sorry, baby." I said and rested my hand on Zayns shoulder. Zayn rested his head on mine. Zayn said nothing.

I expected Zayn to say nothing. I don't know what to do. I never had to deal with this problem before. I hate to say this but I might have to go to Bob for advice.

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