Tea Time with Dougal

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Tegwen was getting into the routine of tending to all the creatures that Newt kept in the case as they were getting used to seeing her every day. Some of them were much more accepting of the new woman, such as Patrick and the Occamy babies. But she had gotten them to love her by supply Patrick with endless entertainment and the Occamy babies were loyal to anyone that offered them food on a regular basis. Tegwen hadn't interacted much with the others, still hesitant about approaching beasts that she wasn't all that familiar with. However, there were the few that took it upon themselves to approach her.

Among them was Pickett, who had formed his attachment to her but Dougal surprisingly held a lot of curiosity about Tegwen. Often the demiguise would crawl out of his nest and observe Tegwen when she was inside the shed or somewhere near. He remembered back in New York when he met the woman for the first time and she declined his offer of a sweet. He knew she had been hungry, he had heard her stomach growl through the department store. But he had become confused when she didn't take the sweet from him.

Dougal had been slightly offended by her decline, but Tegwen didn't realize that she had insulted the demiguise. There was just too much going on at the time for her to enjoy the savory treat. But Dougal assumed that the woman didn't like sweets, so he was curious as to what she did like. So he would watch her from the perch inside of the shed as she would sit and talk to Newt or watch her interact with Pickett and Patrick. 

One thing he observed was her tea consumption. Newt had offered her cups of tea and she also seemed thankful for them. She had a smile on her face when she was pulling out the tea bags from her bag and he caught her smelling them on occasion. Wanting to offer something the woman did like so that he could spend time with her, Dougal set out a plan. He was an affectionate little creature and he wanted to have Tegwen react to him the same way she did with Pickett and Patrick. 

Newt woke first on the morning that they were set to leave the island. He was contemplating how to go about telling Tegwen that there was a possibility that Fred was going to remain behind with his family.  She continued to sleep with Pickett asleep on her head and Patrick nuzzled into her backside for warmth. Halfway during the night, Newt found himself on the floor and when he sat up, he saw that Patrick sprawled out in his spot asleep. He shook his head as everyone seemed so comfortable, yet he really didn't want to sleep on the floor. He gently scooted Patrick over but was met with the sound of protest as Patrick stirred from his sleep.

The niffler gave the man an irritated huff before climbing over Tegwen's side and resting against her. Pickett let out a chirp of amusement before settling between Newt's hair and Tegwen's, wrapping himself up. 

As Tegwen slept in, the creatures seemed to enjoy her warmth and cuddliness just as much as Newt did during the nights.

Sitting up on the edge of the bed, Newt rubbed at his eyes and pushed back his hair that was all over the place from Pickett's night nesting. He was stretching his arms and back when the sound of rummaging alerted the man. Instantly, he found himself plenty awake as he pushed himself up. 

Looking around, he finally caught sight of Dougal going through Tegwen's bag.

"It seems you all have a fascination with that bag at some point," he sighed walking over quietly. "Dougal, what are you doing? You know nothing in there belongs to you."

The demiguise poked his head out of the bag and looked directly at Newt, caught in the act. Newt walked over with a smile about to take Tegwen's bag and place it up, however, Dougal held out one of his sloth-like hands out to the man.

Newt paused in place, looking down at the hand with a confused expression. "What do you have there, Dougal?"

As Dougal's hand opened, Newt saw that he was holding out tea bags towards him. He figured that Dougal probably enjoyed the smell of the tea bags, like many of the other creatures did, believing it was some sort of treat or food.

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