Keep Calm and Carry On

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"Twiggy, there's nothing on the ground for you trip over and nothing here to grab you," Newt pointed out as he moved to help the woman up to her feet. Tegwen lifted herself up partially and looked behind her to see that he was right that there was nothing around her. But she swore something that had grabbed her leg and pulled it back causing her to trip. She was used to tripping over nothing, but it didn't feel the same. 

"I..." She frowned to herself before Newt helped her up by her arm. She brushed herself off and as Newt went to help, he ended up brushing off one of her breast. They both became still and glanced at each for a split second. Newt swallowed awkwardly and quickly retracted his hand to his side, his face was turning red. 

Tegwen was close to turning nearly as red, but her redness originated from trying to hold back a laugh. Newt's face was full of embarrassment as he did everything to avoid looking her in the eye.

"I'm sorry," he muttered out. "I was just trying to get the dirt and you moved and....I'm sorry."

She finally let a giggle escape her lips. "It's alright, it was just an accident, right?"

"Right," he nodded quickly. "I would never ...well...I..."

Newt was just making things worse for himself as he continued rambled on for a minute. Eventually, he realized that remaining silent would probably be his best bet at not making things even more awkward.  Tegwen finished brushing herself off with an amused smile on her face and when she looked up at him she placed her hand on his shoulder gently.

"Are you ready to keep moving?" She asked him.

He nodded again. They went to continue on when seconds later, Tegwen fell again. 

"Merlin's beard woman," Newt said under his breath.

"Alright, that's it!" Tegwen said turning on her side as she spat out some dirt that entered her mouth. "There is something tripping me, I swear! I can feel it. "

"Maybe you didn't get enough sleep last night," Newt suggested only to receive a glare from her. "Or maybe you did. You did."

She pushed herself up to her feet. "There is something out here...I swear!"

"Yes, Twiggy, I know you swear...we got a lovely glimpse of that this morning when we were saying goodbye to Freud," he reminded her with a cheeky tone. 

She sighed. "Let's just go," she muttered going to follow him. However, in a matter of seconds, it was Newt who fell to the ground. 

"Ha!" She pointed at him as he looked up with a bewildered look. "See, I told you, didn't I?"

"Did you just trip me to make me you could prove a point?"

"What? No! I was just telling that something is out here, tripping us and that was proof, you fell too. It's not just me!"

Pickett climbed out of Newt's pocket, luckily he avoided being crushed when Newt fell to the ground. He perched himself on Newt's head and looked around, clicking as he wondered why they had come to a stop. Tegwen was helping Newt up to his feet as the two adults were looking around, trying to figure out what was causing them to fall.

There was nothing on the ground, not even a tree root that they could stumble over, but Pickett could sense the nerves radiating off the two. They were searching for anything that could explain it. It was one thing if Tegwen fell, she was always falling, something all the creatures noted at one point since she started traveling with them. 

At one point as Newt was brushing himself off, Tegwen brushed off his chest, bringing him to look up at her.

"There, we're even now," she grinned at him before walking over to pick up her bag off the ground. Newt smirked to himself before he picked up the case and the two began to walk again. This time there was no falling as Newt took a hold of her hand, just for safety precautions. 

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