Professional Fangirling

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Professional Fangirling

"We are all Professional Fangirls"
~Tyler Oakley ( TylerOakley)

"I think I unleashed my inner Fangirl that day"
~Phil Lester (Amazingphil)

"We're both Fangirls, Phil"
~Dan Howell (Danisnotonfire)

Ever wanted to scream and shout about something your so excited about that waiting for even another minute is torture. This is a form of inner fangirling, inner being because you dont actually shout or scream. Fangirling is a result of this feeling overwhelming you and making you scream and shout so much that you can scream any more.
To you, you are simply obsessing over something and trying to tell others about it in a fangirl language.
But to everyone else your flapping your arms and screaming, occasionally saying 'I cant even...'
This process ends after a few minutes and usually other people relize this procedure and go back to whatever they were doing. This process helps find other fangirls and makes you feel better.
If your in public, try close your mouth so it muffles the sound. Once you have gotten better at your Fangirling you can even learn to bottle it up and inner fangirl. This technique is easy to master.
If you ever need too fangirl at home, biting your duvet or pillows are an option.
You will learn to enjoy fangirling, as your friends are only 'excited' you will be expressing the art of fangirling.

I'd like to make clear that fangirling is not hyperventilating.
Fangirling is when you are so excited for a book/new season/song/album to come out you can't help it but scream. It is known that fangirls have a bat like shriek.
Fangirling can happen whenever, whatever, wherever. You could be walking down the street and in a shop window you see the exact tee shirt that Lily Collins wore while filming City of Bones, or round glasses just like Harry Potters or it could be just a poster of a movie you love. The fangirl screams comes from an overwhelming feeling that just makes you heart skip a beat. Kind of like when you walk past a cute boy on the streets. When you heart returns to beating, it's fast and you can feel it trying to jump out of your chest and you just scream. Sometimes you do this weird jump. It is also possible to lose the ability to talk in full, proper sentences.

To be Professional follow the tips below:

Less Attention in Public:
- Don't open your mouth when you scream. It will muffle the noise. Put your hand over for extra quietness
- Tighten you muscles so you stay on the ground and don't jump
-If it's hard to close your mouth clamped your teeth together as if you are biting onto a rope so that you don't fall off a cliff.

These tips will help you be extra quiet and can not only help you in public but at home.
Example: you are at home and you are meant to be silently studying or sleeping but instead you are blogging. You come across a picture that causes you to fangirl. Use the tips to be quiet. Also you can bite something like a pillow as you are at home and have more objects to take advantage of.

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