Chapter 12

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Why am I such a terrible person? ;-; But yay, new part! My friend helped me come up with ideas for this chapter so blame her for what you're about to read. But not really because I said it was a good idea.

Laxus rushes over to Lucy in a panic, Sting following close behind. He grabs her shoulders and stares at her then down at the ice dagger in her stomach. "What do I do?" He whimpers. He looks up at Sting to see that he was in the same state of sock as him.

"Laxus, there's a hospital nearby. Pick her up and follow me. There's no time to make it back to your guild and see Wendy." Sting says sternly.

Laxus nods and picks Lucy up carefully. He follows Sting as he runs towards the exit of the forest. He glances down at Lucy every now and again to make sure she was still breathing, she had passed out before he got to her. They soon make it to the hospital and Sting burst through the doors with Laxus following. "We need a doctor! Now!" Laxus shouts, watching as the nurses jump in surprise and rush off to find a doctor. A few doctors come from around a corner with a stretcher, ushering Laxus to place her on it. He does as told and watches as they quickly make their way into a room. Laxus feels a hand clamp down on his shoulder and looks down to see Sting with a saddened look.

"I..I'm sorry. This is my fault. If I had just left her alone-"

"No. It's my fault for overreacting, Sting. But, I have faith that she'll be fine."
Laxus and Sting sit patiently in the waiting room as they await for a doctor to come out and let them know how she's doing. It had been five hours since they saw her. When a doctor finally comes out of the room and over to the two slayers, they both quickly stand up. "She's stable. However, she lost one of her babies."

"One of?" Laxus furrows his eyebrows in confusion.

"Ah yes, you must not know. She was pregnant with twins. One of them was stabbed through the chest with the ice and the other one was barely harmed. We removed the deceased child and had to remove the other one too because it's life was in danger. The ice had impaled the shoulder and we had to stitch it up immediately. The child is in a NICU, which stands for neonatal intensive care unit. It's where we place sick children, he will have to stay in there for at least two months so that he is fully grown."

"He?" Laxus breaths. "Can..Can we see her?"

The doctor nods and leads them to the room that Lucy is resting in. Laxus is instantly by her side and grabbing her hand, Sting walking over to the other side and grasping her other hand. "Please wake up." Laxus whispers and places his forehead on hers.

Sting sighs as he stares at the two blondes in front of him. He felt so out of place, like he shouldn't be there. He let go of her hand and was about to leave until he heard a soft groan and looked down to see Lucy stirring. He breaths a sigh of relief when she opens her eyes and glances at him before locking eyes with Laxus. "You're awake." Sting smiles.

Lucy stares at Laxus as he bombards her with questions. "Laxus, I'm fine." She places a hand on her stomach and frowns when she doesn't feel the round belly she was used to. She throws off the blanket and gasps when she sees her flat stomach. "Where's my baby?!" She panics, her eyes wide.

Laxus places his hands on her shoulders and turns her to face him. "Lucy, I'm sorry but they had to take the baby out early because he was injured." He looks down sadly and lets out a shuddered breath. "You were pregnant with twins, one got stabbed in the chest while the other was just hit in the shoulder." He looks up when he feels Lucy trembling under his touch and watches with pain as tears roll down her cheeks.

"My baby.. My baby is dead.." She whimpers and wraps her arms around Laxus in a tight hug. She lets out a sob and clutches onto the back of his shirt. "No! Not again!"

Sting clenches his fists and stares down at the ground as he listens to the cries of the woman. 'Your fault.' It kept ringing in his head. If only he'd just stayed at his guild and worked on his paperwork like a responsible guild master then none of this would have happened.
It had been three days since Lucy had gotten out of the hospital and she hasn't talked to Laxus since. She stayed at home in her room, not wanting to be bothered by anyone. She kept all her doors and windows locked so that no one would come into her home. Whenever Laxus came knocking on her door she would never answer it, and he would always go away. Today he never showed up at her door and she was thankful for that. She couldn't bare to see him, not after she had lost yet another one of their children. She made sure to see her lucky baby in the hospital before locking herself in her house. He was beautiful. The small patch of light blonde hair atop his head, his tiny nose and plump lips. He was so small and she couldn't wait to take him home. She was disappointed about not being able to see the colour of its eyes, she was curious about if he got hers or Laxus' eyes.

She lifts her head up when she hears a knock on her door. She sighs and sits up in her bed but doesn't stand, she still couldn't handle seeing Laxus. She furrows her eyebrows when she hears another mans voice calling her name. She stands up and makes her way to the front door, unlocking it and opening it slightly. She bites her bottom lip softly when she spots a smiling Sting holding a white bag.

"Hello, Lucy. I thought I'd stop by and see how you're doing. I was told you locked yourself in your home and decided to come visit." He watches as she opens the door more and motions him inside. He walks inside and takes in the sight of the disheveled blonde and sighs. "You can't treat yourself like this. Go shower and change while I make us some tea." When she nods slightly and makes her way into her bathroom, he shuts the door and walks into her kitchen.

Not too long after she entered the bathroom she walks out with damp hair and fresh new clothes. She takes a seat on her couch and thanks Sting quietly when he places a cup of tea in front of her. "So what was in that bag you had?" She looks up at him as he takes a seat beside her with his own cup.

He takes a sip before placing the drink down and looking at her. "Ah, just a small cake. I thought we'd save that for later if you'd allow me to stay that long." He smiles when she nods slightly at him. He reaches a hand forward and brushes some of her hair behind her ear. "Why would you go and lock yourself away? Everyone misses you."

Lucy sighs and grabs his hand. "Because I can't bare to face Laxus right now, not after loosing another one of our children."

Sting's eyes widen slightly. "Another?"

She nods. "Yeah, it was almost a year before when you first saw me pregnant. I was only two months along and I had just told Laxus that day. Wendy came over to check the baby and she said everything was fine, but when she checked again it's heartbeat was gone."

Sting nods sadly and hugs her to him. "I'm so sorry to hear that." He rubs her back gently.

Lucy clutches at the front of his vest and pulls back slightly to stare into his eyes. "Sting.." She whispers. She closes her eyes and leans up, pressing her lips to his in a soft kiss.

Sting sits there in shock as the woman kisses him. He places his hands on her shoulders and pushes her back. "Lucy no, you're with Laxus and-"

"But I need this." She whimpers. "Please." She kisses him once more and presses her body close to his.

Sting was torn. He didn't know if he should push her away. He knew she would regret this, she was obviously overwhelmed by sadness and needed the attention. He didn't want to make the same mistake he did last time and end up getting her hurt. All thoughts left his mind as she deepened the kiss and removed his vest. He groans and pushes forward so he is hovering above her. "Lucy." He breaths out her name as he removes her shirt.

So that happened.

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