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   After Celeste had turned into her kitten-self she had sat in the middle of the bed staring at her phone for some stupid reason, sure it was new but not to her, being rich through her family had paid off in the phone department, now she needed to go car shopping. Her little paw went across the buttons on her phone looking up cars on the internet, she decided that she wanted a Mustang Charger. The one she ordered would be there in a day or two and it was neon green with black leather interior. She would have fun with it.

  As Shawn walked up the steps, he wondered if he should knock, or walk

in. Hmm, what a complication. He shrugged and decided to just walk in. He went to the stairs and walked up them two at a time. Then fell back down them three at a time.

“Ouch,” He stood up and brushed off the fall. He carefully walked back up the stairs, one by one, until he reached the top. Then he went to her room and wasn’t shocked to see the kitten.

She looked up and saw Shawn in the door way. She hopped off the bed

and went to his feet, then she looked up at him.

“Meow” she tried to give him an idea of what she wanted him to do but he just stood there looking at her.

“Pick me up…..please?” she asked. Waiting for a half hour to go by was going to be hard on her now that Shawn was here, taunting her unknowingly.

Shawn heard her voice in his head, and he smiled at what she told him.

“Nah, I think your fine just where you are,” he laughed, sitting on the edge of the bed. He was thinking about the cussing out she was most likely giving him in her head. He’d hear about it in a little while, and that’s when he would be terrified.

She got upset after he denied her so instead of asking she just hopped

up on his lap when he sat down and laid in a little ball, purring.

Just wait till I’m human” she sent him and sighed content, “Your going to get it” she warned and started to lick her paw, when she was done with her right she went on with her left and so to her stomach after that.

“Yeah, sure I’m going to get it. I’m a normal height, you cant put me

in a dresser until next month.” he laughed. He thought about her licking her paws. When she was human, did she cough up fur balls? He’d have to ask her when she changed back. Let’s hope it doesn’t offend her. He got bored with thinking, so he laid back on the bed to take a nap.

After Shawn fell asleep she moved to laying on his tummy. She just

kinda fell asleep herself. She woke up when she started to change back into herself. After that was done she found herself……on top of him…….naked. She hopped off him and put her over-sized pink silk robe on. She sat next to Shawn still fast asleep and totally unaware of his almost naked girlfriend sitting next to him.

Shawn woke up to Celeste sitting next to him. He looked her up and

down, and thought to himself is she naked? He couldn’t tell but he knew what happened when she changed back. It happened to him, too. What with the very compromising situation they had been in only a few hours earlier, he knew what she had on her mind. It didn’t take much thought and once he thought about the shower, her words from earlier, he found himself feeling the exact same way about his . . . girlfriend. He smiled to himself at that word, a word he had told his friends he would never use. But, he had and now was out a hundred bucks.

Celeste smiled and looked down at Shawn.

“Hi,” was really all she could say, it was simple, and straight to the point…..kind of. Celeste got off the bed and went to her closet, feeling…..nervous for no particular reason. “I don’t know what to wear… me, It’s midnight and I want…..something to wear” she laughed at herself and slapped her forehead. “I’m so stupid”

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