Problems with listening

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Celeste was to tired to be surprised, her head hurt, and her eyes stung,

she was dizzy, and she was in a cold fever.

“I don’t know doc, you tell me?” she asked her voice was groggy and tired and a small whisper. She still had her hood up and she hugged herself tightly.

“Uh, yeah. I can do that.” he grumbled, shaking his head. “Um, what’re

your symptoms?” He could obviously tell that she had a fever and wasn’t feeling good. But, it was what he had to ask every person that came into the hospital. Shawn just wanted to get her out of here so that he wouldn’t let her find some way to tell things about him to the people that already thought he was mental.

Celeste sighed a little.

“Fever, shivers, throat hurts, head hurts, tired and I need to get back to work, so please doc, just give me some damn medicine and let me go, hell, I’ll drink a bottle of Benedryl a day if you say it’ll help, I just need to get things done” she said she tried to talk louder and still failed, and cursed herself mentally for it.

Shawn grabbed a tongue depressor and scooted his chair over to the


“Ahh,” he said, holding the depressor up. Her throat was red and had swollen blisters everywhere. He took the thermometer out and took her temp; 103.9. He grabbed the swab out of the drawer and frowned, not wanting to have to do this.

“Sorry, I don’t like this any more than you do,” he grumbled, wanting to hide under a rock before she hurt him. He put the swab in the tester and waited, then pulled a cup out of the drawer.

“You need to pee in the cup. Give it to the nurse cause I don’t want it.”

Celeste took the cup from Shawn and went to the bathroom and did her

damn business. Then cleaned off her hands and the outside of the cup, just because she was nice and went and gave it to the nurse. She went back to the room and laid her sick ass in the hospital bed and tried to forget the pain and hoped she could fall asleep as she closed her eyes.

While Shawn waited, he went to Dr. Stephens and started complaining.

“I have to be nice to my . . . Ex-wife, current crush, yeah. I’m at a loss,” he shook his head, and went back to the room before she found out he had left. Shawn looked at the test and she did have strep throat. He sat on the spinny chair and spun until he was dizzy. He heard the door open and watched her walk in, looking dead.

“Yeah, you have strep so, I’ll write you a prescription. For something.” He got up and left the room, then came back and gave her a paper with the type of meds she would need on it.

Celeste groaned and took the paper.

“Thanks doc, sorry for being an inconvenience…..” she sighed and then opened the door then put her hood up again. She looked at the paper. “Wait….I can’t take these if I need to work these things will drug my ass up and put me to sleep, I can’t take these” she said her voice was weak but strong at the same time as she spoke.

“Your never an inconvenience,” he said, walking out the door after her.

Then she stopped. He listened to what she had to say for a second then nodded.

“That’s the point. You need to sleep. Your practically dead. You’re a zombie. And your not going to work, your sick.” he wondered how she would take that. Being told what to do. It’s not like she was going to listen, but he wasn’t just going to write her whatever drugs she wanted. That could get his ass in prison. And he knew what happened to pretty boys that dropped the soap.

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