Chapter 5

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Draco walked down the corridor holding Scarlet close in his arms.He turned the corner and walked past a group of girls, not a minute after he passes them, he hears a thump.

Draco turns around and finds that the group collapsed on the ground.He quickly rushed back to them

''Are you okay?'' Draco asked, one of the girls let out a flirty giggle.

Draco shook his head and smirked ''Man I really do look good'' He thought.

Draco started down the corridor again, and luckily for him, he got to the Great Hall without any more mass faintings.

Draco pushed the Great Hall doors open with one hand and strode in.

The Great Hall was packed with students eating breakest, talking with friends, trying to calm their own children.Draco looked down at Scarlet, who was looking around the Great Hall with curious eyes.

''Well she definitely has Granger's genes''Draco thought

''And a good thing she isn't crying''

Draco made his way to the Slytherin table and sat down next to Theo, who was sitting nex to Blaise.

''Morning''Theo said as Draco sat down

''Mornin'' Draco replied

''Who's this cutie''Blaise asked reaching over Theo to tickle Scarlet.

''This Scarlet Malfoy''Draco responded patting Scarlet's head.Scarlet started giggling.Her laugh rang out like bells.A smile appeared on Draco's face and quickly disappeared.As the Slytherin Prince, smiling wasn't really allowed but smirking, on the other hand, was mandatory.And our dear old Draco was pretty dang good at it.

''Well she definitely has your looks''Theo said brushing Scarlet's hair out of her eyes.

'What about your kids''Draco asked

''Well there's my kid''Blaise said motioning to Weaslette, who was holding a baby boy in her arms.The baby looked exactly like Blaise but in baby form.

''What's his name?''Draco questioned

''Alec Zabini''Blaise said reaching for some toast.

''What about you Theo''Blaise asked

Theo pointed across the Hall to the Gryffindor table, where Luna was feeding a little baby girl with platinum blonde hair, and green eyes, fruit.And right next to Luna, with his arm around her was sitting Longbottom.Draco turned to Theo, and honestly if looks kill, Longbottom would have been dead.

Draco patted Theo's arm.Theo nodded and forced a smile.

''What's her name?''Draco asked

''Estelle, Estelle Lovegood''Theo replied with a small smile

Draco understood Theo's feeling toward Luna.He even remembered the day Theo told him and Blaise that he liked her.


It was a chilly fall afternoon.Draco and Blaise were in the Slytherin Common Room discussing what happened in the Great Hall.

''Potter certainly knows how to attract attention''Draco sneered

''How did he even get his name into the Goblet?''Blaise asked ''Honestly though how?''

Draco shook his head ''I honestly don't know, but he won't last ten minutes in the arena.''Blaise nodded in agreement.

Suddenly, the door of the Slytherin Common Room slammed open, and a very happy happy strode in.

''What's up with you?'' Draco asked shooting Theo a confused look

''Well...I like this girl'' Theo said plopping into a arm char

Blaise chuckled ''Wow Theo,liking a girl is a great accomplishment !''

''Ha Ha, very funny, but honestly she's different''

''Ok then,who's this mystery girl?''Draco questioned 


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