A fresh start

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"What we do is put you inside it and flip the switch and your body will shrink to a certain age along with most of the skills and such. Except your brain will stay the same you will not forget but it'll be easier to handle when you see thing from a more innocent view."

Leo looked a bit nervous. "Will it hurt?"

Donnie sputtered a moment but answered. "Only a little but we'll give you some pain medication after if you want"

Leo nodded and started smiling but still had more questions, "How old would I be?"

April and donnie looked at eachother. They had been discussing this all night and a large portion of the morning. They thought two would be a good age but was unsure if the blue clad turtle would agree.

"Well sweetheart we were thinking about 2 would be good. Buy if you don-" before April finished explaining leo interrupted with a quiet "sure"

It seemed leo was hell bent on shocking the two today. They had fully expected him to fight them on it or disagree in some way. Yet here he was quietly agreeing with no hesitation.

"Leo we don't want you to be unhappy so it's okay if you want to say no we-" Leo cut them off again saying, "I want to because I trust you both of you"

April squealed and hugged him tight while donnie chuckled and began to set up the machine. They were happy and quiet for a moment until April's phone buzzed.

"Probably just my dad"

She answered it with a chipper "hello".

"Hey April how's it going over there? I though maybe I could go up and visit you guys lay away from those others they seem to be looking for you"

"Yeah that'd be great dad you can see the surprise we have. Don't worry about the others just try to act like you don't know anything."

While April was talking leo squirmed around on her lap and made grabby hands for donnie, who obligingly picked him up tickling his sides.

"I was thinking after the whole "deageing" thing we could watch a movie or you can help us pick out some stuff for your room"

Leo looked owlishly up at donatello, "Does that mean I have to sleep alone from now on?"

Donnie grinned at his innocence but answered, "Not unless you want to I just thought you'd like a room for games and toys and stuff like that"

Leo's eyes got impossibly wider as he nodded his head rapidly. He had never really had toys before.

Donnie could hardly contain his laughter. "That's good. Let's get the machine started up and them we can turn it on after April's done on the phone yeah?"

Leo nodded once more. He was starting to get excited about doing this. Getting a second chance, a fresh start to life.

When they finished setting up they waited for April patiently talking about idle things like favorite colors and movies.

"Okay bye dad we'll see you soon love you" once she ended the call she walked over to them "Sorry my dad just wanted to check in he's gonna come over tomorrow"

Donnie nodded, "Okay well I'm about to start the machine can you hold his hand to calm him" April nodded and held the smallest turtle's small hand. As she did she began to hum.

Donnie flipped the switch and leo began to get smaller and smaller by the minute and after about 30 minutes the process seemed over.

Leo's eyes were closed but he seemed not to be in much pain.
He was much smaller now so much so April could probably hold him with one arm. He popped one eye open and they noticed it was teary.

April hurried to undo the buckles he was in and cradling him in her arms whispering comforting words to the now toddler.

"It's okay. You're okay. It's all done now. I know it must hurt but it'll be okay we have some medicine that will make all the owwies go away"

Leo whimpered as tears ran down his face but calmed once April began to rock him.

Donnie smiled softly at them, getting out the pain meds and some of the juice for leo.

"We should get him inside the meds are gonna make him drowsy" Donnie said as he plucked leo out of her arms and gave him the medicine.

Leo opened his mouth to say something but closed it afraid of what he would sound like. Donnie noticed this but said nothing yet.

"Its fast acting so you should feel s bit drowsy already right?"

The turtle tot nodded reaching his thumb into his mouth. He wanted to sleep but he was feeling so excited. 

"Nee can we go watching a movie now I's tiwed" he kind of shocked at how his voice sounded but not as shocked as April and donnie were that he talked.

Donnie nodded numbly carrying him to the living room April was close behind and took him into her arms when donatello went to get the blanket.

They watched movies for what felt like hours when in reality it had been one and a half and they'd spent the entire time looking at leo hardly noticing the movie end.

His eyes were large royal blue but seemed more innocent the before. He was very small and his skin was now free of the scars and marking from the abuse he had taken for years. He looked frightened but excited. He also looked like he would pass out at any given time.

April was ecstatic for the opportunities this would bring for them. All of them.

That's all for now doves but don't worry there will be a chapter 17 and if will be hopefully awesome.
Goodbye for now my doves ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡

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