Good morning, young woman. (Part II)

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Ramona peeked her head in the hallway to reassure that the coast was clear. She held her pants and her undergarments in her arm and sprinted to the bathroom. When she entered, she clicked the lock behind her. She sat to to assess the situation. 

She checked the drawers of the bathroom to look for supplies. Nothing.

She sat down, and impulsively decided to just wrap her underwear with toilet paper.

This should be good for now. Just need to do some searching... She pondered. 

She went to the attic, where her mom lived. She checked every drawer where pads or tampons may be. Nothing.

Ramona exited the bathroom discreetly and made her way downstairs. Just need to act cool, she thought. 

"Hey Ramona." Stephanie said, smiling ear to ear. "Would you like me to make you a sandwich or something?"

 "Uhhh... No thanks." Ramona said, nervously.

"Is everything okay?" Steph asked, gesturing that Ramona should sit down and talk to her.

Ramona sat on the couch next to her and began to hysterically cry.

"I don't know what to do,"  She cried.

"Is this about Popko? Because if it is, it's okay Ramona. He's a jerk and he does not deserve you." Stephanie said, confidently.

"But-" Ramona tried to interject.

"Ramona, you're going to meet many boys as you get older. You're going to face many problems and situations. But that's life." Stephanie said, hugging her tightly.

"Yes. Many situations." Ramona said, sarcastically.

"And we will be here to support you no matter what. If you have any sort of personal issue, feel free to talk to me and I will help you with whatever you need." Stephanie said, reassuringly.

"Thanks Steph. I love you. There was actually-" 

Stephanie cut her off. "I love you too, Ramona!"

Ramona, feeling furthermore lost, darted upstairs to go check herself. She changed her wrap and heard Dj come in.

"Hey Steph, can you help me bring in the purchases?"

"Of course." She said, happily. 

As they were carrying in everything, Dj asked, "How is everyone?"

"Good. Ramona was just upset before, but I handled it!" Steph said, confidently.

"Steph, I am so proud of you!" Dj said.

When they carried in the last of the few things, Steph ran upstairs to tend to Tommy.

Ramona headed straight for the kitchen, where Dj was.

"Hey, Dj, can I talk to you?" Ramona asked, innocently.

"Honey, of course you can. If it's about the Popko thing, Steph already told me."

"Actually, there was never an issue with that." Ramona began.

"Wait, what?" Dj asked, puzzled.

"Dj, you're a doctor right?" She said.

"Ramona what is this about?" Dj said, worried. "Here sit down."

"Dj, the reason why I didn't eat your pancakes this morning was because I had a really bad stomachache - which I think are called cramps. I got my first period this morning."

Ramona started to sob.

Steph walked down the stairs and paused at the sound of Ramona crying.

"And I don't know what to do. I looked through the cupboards and all of the drawers and I couldn't find a thing."

Dj stood up and gave Ramona a hug. 

"Ramona, don't be upset, it's okay. I am really glad that you decided to come to us about this sort of thing. We were once in your shoes too, and we had the same thing told to us, except by Uncle Jesse. You're just going through womanhood and we will be here for you and whatever you need. If you have any questions, you can always ask us. I know this can be embarrassing and awkward, especially if you're one of the first out of your friends. However, we will do anything to make sure you're comfortable."

"Thank you so much, Dj." Ramona said, gratefully. "I really appreciate you talking me through this. Mom never discussed this with me, and to be honest, I didn't really feel comfortable talking about this with her, but for some reason, I feel okay talking to you."

"You can always talk to me. Always, Ramona." She gave her another hug. "Now, maybe we can run up to the store and get you some products to last you for a bit."

"Thanks, Dj, that sounds good."

Steph walked in, feeling horrible for her, considering she didn't know that, that was the real problem.

"Ramona, I am SO sorry. I didn't even let you tell me what's going on."

"It's okay Steph," She smiled, implying that she should join in on the group hug.

They all hugged it out, and immediately after, Dj and Ramona went to the store to get some feminine products. 

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