CH26: exposed

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Ok. Before you all read the update, READ THIS FIRST.


I just wanna remind you all that there will be 2 DIFFERENT ENDINGS for this story.

One is the TRUE ENDING or simply titled as the "ending". And the other one is the ALTERNATE ENDING.

The reason why I want to share you all this is because I want to express my original idea for the ending of the story compared to the finalized one.

And also, I'm quite begging you all (really? Haha.  XD) please express your judgement and how you feel about the story overall when this ends.

I'm quite lacking so much of comment to this story. And I can't help myself but to feel so D*mn curious about how people felt reading this story.

So that's all. PLEASE DON'T IGNORE THE AUTHOR'S NOTE hahaha. Thank you peeps! ^_^

Tara Morgans; A friend of Sylvia and Tyler, stopped by the large gate of the Savana residence. The howling wind swirls around Tara as she stares at the large house ahead of her.

She had received a call from the twins, saying that Sylvia instructed them to call her to babysat them while she's gone for a while. That is the reason why Tara is standing before the Savana home: to fulfill her duty.

With a deep breath, The girl entered through the gates. She walked up the dirt path that leads to the house itself. As she got in front of the main door, she knocked.

*tap tap!*

Tara tapped on the door again, but no one is answering. Without further a due, she cautiously went inside. Darkness flashed inside, which made her uncomfortable.

"Holly? Molly? It's me! Tara!" The gal hollered, but still no answers came out.

Unnerved, Tara proceeds further. She stopped by the stairs, contemplating whether she should go up or not. From the death-like silence to the pitch darkness around the house, Tara knew she has a reason to not go upstairs. Unfrotunately, a part of the girl's conscience said otherwise. In the end, she decided to go upstairs. Little does she know that death is already waiting for her.

Tara made it to the second floor. She is faced with two paths. At the end of the left side of the hallway, a window is seen. On the left side of the hallway is Tyler's bedroom. On the opposite side are three different doors. One leads to the master bedroom, another one leads to Sylvia's room, and at the end are the twins' bedroom Tara froze, hearing the sound of a child giggling echoing nearby. She can't be wrong about it. She was getting scared. Questions raided her head; where are the twins? What happened around the house? Is she alone? Why is there laughter audible in such silent place?

Tara can't find the answer no matter how hard she thinks.

She thought about the child's eerie laughter. The sound is coming from the twins' bedroom at the end of the dark hallway.

She pondered: Will she go and investigate?

Apparently, Tara is already shaking in her shoes. She doesn't want to go to the bedroom where the laughter had come from. But a half of her mind is telling otherwise.

Sweet molly Dearest holly (WILL UNDERGO REVISION)Where stories live. Discover now