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Neymar had left in a heap after their argument three days ago. Ever since, Leo hadn't been able to look him in the eye at practice or in the locker room. He refused to look at his phone, leaving it on silent and not carrying it on him when he went out. Alcohol had become his new friend; which then became his only friend. The team had seemed to turn against Leo and side with Neymar without even asking for Leo's side of the story.
During partner work at practice, Leo had to train with one of the staff, because everyone refused to work with him. The team's ignorance towards him grew to the point of not involving him in games or team bonding. The small bit of extrovert inside Leo had quickly fallen apart and he turned into himself, refusing to talk to anyone.
When Luis Enrique approached Leo, he knew things were at an all time low. Luis simply told him that he and Neymar needed to fix their problems or he'd be riding the bench. Leo couldn't decide whether he cared or not at that point. He was too far beyond depressed and lonely to care about much of anything really.
When he, quite literally, bumped into Neymar, he mumbled a 'sorry' while keeping his head down, and walked away.
Luis approached him about six days after the argument.
"You have some balls really. Not apologizing to Neymar, hurting the team, all because you're a selfish dick." The look of disgust on Luis face had Leo flinching.
"I..." Leo couldn't come up with anything.
It had been too many days without human association, that he almost forgot what it was like to hold a conversation with someone.
"You're hurting him Leo. He's trying to be fine, but it seems he can't do it as well as you." Luis turned to walk over to his group, which included Neymar, by the opposite row of lockers. He could feel everyone's heated stares on him as he struggled to keep his anger and frustration inside. Leo tried to hold his fiery reply in, but it needed to be set free.
"Fine!? You think I'm fine!? I'm hurting as well! Damnit! I hurt every second of everyday, but apparently it's my fault! Everything is my fault! Gosh, I'm sorry I'm such a screw up! I'm sorry we didn't win the El Classico, that's my fault! I'm sorry I didn't win this Ballon D'or, that's my fault as well. I'm sorry Iniesta was injured, I guess that would also be my fault, right? Because everything I do is frowned upon! If I'm really hurting you all that much, then consider me gone! I'm sick of people assuming shit around here!" Leo slammed his locker shut, ripped off his name plaque and left.
He didn't look anywhere but forward as he walked the lonely hall all the way to the exit. When he took a seat in his car, he pressed his forehead to the steering wheel and let the tears go. The locks clicked on the door as his finger met the button, and he put the car into drive before speeding out of the parking lot of Camp Nou. With one last glance in his rear view mirror, he left the place where his life truly began, with no plans of returning.
It didn't take long for a knock to pound at his front door. It also didn't take long for Leo to decide to ignore the commotion outside. The only company he needed was the alcohol beside him that slowly turned his hurting chest, warm. A lazy smile graced his lips as he thought of all the times he and Neymar enjoyed a few nice nights out at the bar. Coming home drunk and sharing their love with each other was also something he'd fancied.
He remembered the time Neymar had promised him to spend the rest of his life with him. Leo thought they'd be invincible to all their problems, but deep down he knew they were slowly eating away at their relationship.
'Where were you Leo?' Neymar's arms were crossed against his chest as he waited for Leo's answer.
'I was with Kun for the night.' Leo couldn't tell him anything more, even though he knew Neymar would assume the worst.
'Doing what?' Leo didn't answer him back.
'Of course. You've always wanted Kun haven't you? How was I so blind to this?' He was beyond pissed at Leo.
'No, it's not what you think Ney...' Leo pleaded.
'Then what!? Give me a better reason then silence.'
'I can't tell you...' Neymar scoffed in disbelief.
'Ok. Well, if you didn't want to be together anymore, if I wasn't enough anymore, you should've just said something.'
'No! Neymar!' Leo reached for him, but he backed away and shook his head.
'I'm going to make the decision for you since you seem to be incapable.' Neymar left to their room and came back with five bags and a pillow.
'See you at training Lionel.' He nodded, like a friend would, and left with Leo's heart in his hands.
The reality of the situation didn't settle into Leo's head until almost an hour later. Leo's head was on an axis as he tried to swallow the situation down and assess his options. He couldn't tell Neymar about Kun, he promised he wouldn't tell a soul. Kun is his best friend, his brother, and he trusted him with this. He couldn't tell anyone, not even the love of his life.
Trust had been one thing they struggled with, mostly because of Neymar's self-confidence issues, but they were trying to push through it. It only took one situation to destroy everything they'd worked towards for their relationship.
"Leo, why didn't you answer the door?" Kun was standing in front of a sad, yet warm Leo.
"I've ruined everything Kun. I've ruined it all. He hates me, and so does everyone else. If it was Neymar and me against the world, then I'd be okay. But now it's me against MY world. I love him Kun. God, I love him so much. But I seem to screw everything up. I honestly hate myself so much." Kun seemed surprised at Leo's dilemma, but he quickly sobered up.
"What happened?" His question was hesitant, but firm.
"When I stayed with you the other night, Neymar was suspicious when I came home, but I promised you I wouldn't tell a soul. I promised you. So, obviously, Neymar confirmed his own suspicions when I didn't answer him. He left me, now everyone hates me. I don't even know if I'm going back. I can't face them all when they think I'm a cheating scumbag." Leo didn't cry, but he sure felt like he wanted to.
"I'm going to make this right Leo. I promise." Kun placed a kiss on top of his head and left without another word.
Leo fell asleep with doubt and self-hatred deep in his chest. The last thing on his mind was Neymar's beautiful face. His soft lips and bold eyes. His caramel skin and burning touch. His loving gaze and his way with words. These thought forced Leo to cry himself to sleep.
"Leo!" Leo stirred slightly when his front door was busted open and Neymar's guilty voice filled the room.
Leo tried to stay asleep, not wanting to face his problems today. His plans were pushed aside when Neymar tackled him in a hug and showered him in kisses.
'I'm sorry' was repeated like a mantra as his kisses multiplied.
"Neymar, please get off of me." Leo whispered as he tried to keep his tears at bay.
Neymar seemed to let Leo's words flow into one ear and out the other as he continued.
"No. Neymar. Stop. Please stop. Stop!" Leo succumbed to tears as his sadness overflow from his chest.
"Leo I'm so sorry. I've done something awful to you. We've been working on our trust, and I brushed it aside at the first sign of struggle. I should've trusted you. Kun told me everything." Leo continued to cry as Neymar shushed him.
"Leo, please, look at me. Love, look at me." Neymar pleaded, but Neymar would have none of it.
"I can't." He whispered.
"This is all my fault. I'm the worst boyfriend ever. I've turned everyone against you, all because I assumed. Listen, I know you're hurting, and you don't want to talk to me, but just know I love you. No one is mad at you anymore. I told them it was a misunderstanding and all my fault." His shaky finger tips brushed through Leo's hair as they laid in silence.
"What happened to Kun, it sucks you know. He's lucky to have such a great friend. You kept that secret for him, even if it meant losing me. How could I ever doubt you again?" Ney giggled slightly and placed an open-mouth kiss on Leo's eyebrow.
"I am a pretty good friend, huh?" Leo slipped him a small smile.
"A damn great one if you ask me." Neymar held Leo as they talked back and forth until the sun had gone down, and they were left in darkness. Even then, it seemed that Leo's smile lit up the whole room in Neymar's eyes.
Crismes next!!!!

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