Pink Lines

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"Stiles!" Lydia yelled pulling the sheets off of him.
"What!?!" he yawned as he tried pulling them back.
"You're slept inflate. Again!" Lydia ran into the bathroom and slammed the door behind her scaring Stiles out of bed.
Stiles swore before grabbing his uniform out of his drawer. This was the third time this week Stiles had been late for work. He hastily made their bed and tried to fix his alarm clock. "Never mind I'll just use my phone" he mutter throwing it into the garbage can as he began putting on his clothes.
"Lyds, I need the bathroom!" He pulled on his jeans as he grabbed his keys before he heard sniffles on the other side of the door.
"Lydia?" he whispered. "Please let me in".
She opened the slowly and he saw her clutching an all to familiar box in her left hand while she sobbed into her right.
"Negative. Again!" She sobbed harder when Stiles came and wrapped his arms around her.
"It's okay. Everything's going to be okay? Just give it some time alright? We just tried again last night it's too early"
Lydia and Stiles had been trying for a baby since their two year anniversary. They celebrated their third year anniversary two weeks prior and Lydia was losing hope.
"It's all my fault" cried Lydia. "I can't do the one thing a woman is supposed to do! Do you even know how that feels?"
"You were not placed in this earth to make children okay? You are worth so much more than that! Don't give up just yet we've only been trying for a year."
"It feels like an eternity" sniffed Lydia. "Stiles! You're going to be late for work!"
"I'll call in sick and we can spend the day together"
"No, how are we ever going to afford children if you keep calling in sick and coming in late? Lydia smiled before placing a kiss on Stiles' forehead.
"I love you Lydia Stilinski"
"And I love you Stiles Stilinski"
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
"Stilinski! Boss's office now"
"Since when did you start calling me Stilinski, McCall?" Smirked Stiles as he looked up from his paperwork.
"Since I got a promotion" smiled Scott. Scott handed him some papers before sitting down on his desk.
"Lead detective? I didn't know you changed your name Stiles Stilinski?"
"Fine its for you, but you're going to get it taken away if you keep showing up late! Then it will go to me" grumbled Scott.
"I can't wait to tell Lydia" Stiles smiled before pulling out his phone.
"How's she doing?" asked Scott tentatively. "About the you-know-what"
"Not better but not terrible, she had another breakdown this morning"
"So thats why you were late... Listen I'll talk to Hale for you if you want"
"No I better do it myself," Stiles sighed. "Besides I have a promotion I need to run by him"
Scott laughed before he left for his own office. Stiles grabbed a stack of papers off his desk and his promotion and left for Derek Hale's office. Stiles had been working as a detective for 4 years and he loved every minute of it (almost as much as he loved Lydia). It had only been quite recently that he started getting harder cases that were to test him for his new promotion.
Stiles entered Derek's office slowly before clearing his throat.
"Stilinski, you may take a seat." Derek never took his eyes off his laptop.
"I wanted to apologize for being late-"
"That's not what you're actually here for is it? asked Derek who nodded towards Stiles' promotion papers.
"Well both" Stiles said.
"Lydia really loves you"
"Yes she- What?"
Derek locked eyes with Stiles and began to chuckle.
"She called 5 minutes before you arrived with a million different excuses on why you were late before she told me the truth. I told her about your new promotion and she's thrilled. I also recommended her a wonderful fertility doctor. I assume with this new promotion both of you will try extra hard to get you to work on time?"
"Yes! Thank you so much and for understanding our circumstances" Stiles could not believe what just happened.
"You're very talented Stilinski, I would hate to see it go to waste. Unfortunately, it won't be easy and I will expect nothing but the best from you"
"Yes sir. I have the Thomson and Co. case that I've been working at. Thought you might want to take a look" Stiles handed Derek the case papers nervously before standing up to leave.
"Wonderful," Derek began reading, "Always thinking outside the box that kid"
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Two Weeks Later

"Lydia, where are your pretzels?" Allison poked her head out of the pantry and watched her best friend rush into the bathroom.
"Lydia, not again" Allison followed her before Lydia slammed the bathroom door shut.
"This isn't healthy!"
"I just want to try!" Lydia yelled back.
After a minute Lydia let Allison in.
"I promised Stiles I would look after you and now I look like a shitty best friend"
"Taking a pregnancy test isn't going to kill me"
"Lydia that's not what I'm referring to, take a seat" Allison sat down on the tile floor and patted the ground next to her.
"That's unsanitary"
"Wait, do you and Stiles-"
"No! I just haven't cleaned in a while" Lydia smiled. "But if we do I make sure to clean up the next day"
"Lydia! At least warn me" Allison stood up and began washing her hands. "You can't keep doing this okay? You can't make it two weeks before taking another test. This isn't you and I know how much you want to be a mom but..." Alison trailed off as she watched Lydia burst into tears.
"Lyds... I'm sorry I just don't know what to say to make you feel better"
"I've- we've tried, everything! Everything! I just ... I just don't want to let Stiles down" sobbed Lydia.
"He's crazy about you okay? He loves you with or without a baby. Don't tell Scott but I've never seen two people more in love than you too. I wish that me and Scott were like you too"
"Don't say that, you and Scott are perfect too" chuckled Lydia.
Lydia's phone went off and Allison reached for it.
"You're timer is done" mumbled Allison as Lydia got up to reach the pregnancy test on the sink counter.
"It doesn't matter what it says. Scott, Stiles and I will still love-"
Lydia dropped the test and fell to the floor.
"Lydia! Oh my god are you alright? Shit Stiles is going to kill me." Allison realized Lydia was crying and ... smiling?
"Allison! The test look!!" Lydia got up and pushed Allison off her. Allison hesitated and reached for it.
"Lydia, OH LYDS!"
They both screamed and hugged.
"How are you going to tell Stiles?" Allison questioned. Lydia could not stop smiling and looking down on the test.
"I don't know but we have to find him right now!"
"He's probably at my house with Scott let's go! Oh Lydia you are going to be a mom! A mom!" Allison squealed as she pulled Lydia up and dragged her down the hall to the front door.
"Allison we need your car keys first"
"Oh yes! That's right we need a car, to drive, I was honestly thinking about walking there. It's just my hormones!"
"Allison you're not the one pregnant!" laughed Lydia. "Wait! I almost forgot the test"
Lydia ran to the bathroom just as the front door opened.
"Scott! Stiles!" Allison screeched alarming Lydia. "Lydiahassomethingtotellyou!"
"What? Lydia what's wrong?" Stiles put down his keys and shot Allison a confused look. Lydia came out of the bathroom smiling with her hands behind her back.
"Stiles" was all Lydia could say before she burst into tears.
"Lydia..." Stiles wrapped his arms around her. "What's wrong?"
"I'm pregnant!" She pulled away to show him the test just as Allison began celebrating again.
"Oh my god. Oh my- Lydia! I'm going to be a dad and you're going to be a mom..."
"I know"
He pulled her in a close embrace and began to kiss her.
"Stiles-" He kissed her again. "I love you" she laughed as he kissed her neck and kneeled down facing her stomach.
"Hey there little guy... or girl. I just want you to know you're going to have the best mom ever" he placed a kiss on her stomach before he picked Lydia up. "And I love her so much"
"Scott it's time to leave or we are going to witness the making of child number two" Allison smirked as she patted Stiles on the back. "Congrats dad"
"We should leave and make our first-"
"Scott!" Allison smacked him on the shoulder before kissing him on the cheek. "Don't get your hopes up"

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