Welcome to the World Baby Stilinski

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Lydia woke up to pains in her stomach and sat up. She winced as another contraction passed.
"Stiles?" She whispered. Lydia grabbed his arm and began to squeeze.
"Yes? Do you want popcorn again? I'll go make you some" he muttered sleepily.
"No" she snapped. "I just thought you should know I'm about to give birth to your child"
Stiles got up to face her knocking his elbow against the headboard.
"Now? Lydia let's go!" He kissed her on the lips as he got their clothes together. "How far apart are your contractions?" He asked grabbing a shirt from the drawer.
"I don't know I just woke up!" She too got out of bed but stopped when another contraction hit.
"Stiles, we need to leave now!
Stiles rushed over to her side and helped her walk downstairs and out the door into his jeep.
"Call Allison she's going to want to be there"
"It's 4 in the morning she'll kill me"
"Lydia do you hear yourself right now? You're about to give birth and she will kill you if you let her miss it"
"Okay then" Lydia called Allison before she dropped the phone as another contraction hit. "Stiles hurry it's getting worse!"
He pushed down harder on the gas as Lydia tried to bend down to retrieve the phone.
"I can't reach it!"
"Use mine"
"Okay, okay" Lydia was about to unlock his phone before it started to ring.
"It's Allison she must have heard you ring the first time"
"Lydia what's wrong?"
"I'm going to the hospital and I'm about to give birth"
"I'll be there! Oh Lydia I can't wait to see the little guy! Scott wake up Lydia is about to give birth!" Allison yelled over the phone as Lydia hung up.
"Are you hot? You're sweating like hell" Stiles asked Lydia as she reached for his hand.
"No- I!" Lydia screamed and Stiles hit the brakes.
"What's wrong?"
"I'm about to give birth!" She yelled back. "Don't stop driving I'm not giving birth in this jeep"
"I won't let you I promise you that"
"Stiles..." she cried out. "It hurts, oh my god it hurts"
Stiles floored the gas pedal and kissed Lydia's hand.
"It's going to be fine, were almost there"
The next ten minutes were torture for the both of them as Lydia cried out in pain and Stiles watched her helplessly.

"Lydia, we're here" Stiles whispered as Lydia dug her nails into his hand. She nodded and let him leave to go fetch a wheelchair. Stiles came back along with a nurse pushing the wheelchair. Stiles opened the door as Lydia swung her legs over the seat
"Hi Lydia, I'm -"
"Save it and get me out of this jeep!" Lydia interrupted the nurse.
Stiles helped her out and wheeled her to the front doors of the hospital.
"Where's the doctor?" Lydia winced. "Stiles, my water broke"
"I'll check us in" Stiles kissed her and gave her hand a tight squeeze.
Stiles ran to the front desk and signed a few forms before leaving to retrieve Lydia.
"Take your time! I don't mind waiting!" she snapped causing Stiles to run faster. Stiles pushed her through the hospital in search of the maternity ward.
"Room 33 look for room 33 Lyds"
Lydia nodded her head and began scanning the rooms until Stiles stopped abruptly.
"Lydia! Stiles! Wait, we're here!" Allison came sprinting around the corner with Scott by her side.
"Thank god" muttered Stiles.
"What have we missed?" asked Allison already out of breath.
"Nothing really worth missing"
"What's that supposed to mean?" Lydia shot daggers at Stiles.
"Uh...nothing? Come on we don't want you to give birth in the hallway!" Stiles began pushing the wheelchair again as Lydia muttered profanities under her breath.
"She seems happy" whispered Allison to Scott.
"Just remember this moment when you are pregnant and about to give birth okay?" Scott shot back.
"Well then"
Stiles took a sharp turn into their room and Allison and Scott followed close behind. Stiles carried Lydia out of the wheel chair and placed her onto the bed. A nurse was already setting up a monitor and began taking Lydia's blood pressure.
"Hi Lydia, I'm just going to take a look down there to see how far along you are"
Lydia grimaced as the nurse lifted Lydia's nightgown up.
"Oh! We better get the doctor in here" the nurse paged the doctor and was almost out the door before Scott blocked it.
"What do you mean by 'oh'" asked Stiles from across the room.
"Well, she's already crowning"
Lydia screamed and Stiles ran over to her.
"I- want- an -epidural. Now!" She grabbed Stiles hand.
"I'm afraid it's too late for that" the nurse responded as she managed to slip past a shocked Scott.
"What. A. Bitch" Allison remarked as she slammed the door shut. "Lydia everything is going to be alright, it all will be over soon"
"Easy for you to say!" Lydia said as she dug her nails into Stiles' hand.
Stiles grimaced and began to brush the hair out of Lydia's face. The door swung open and the doctor along with a different nurse walked in.
"Mom?" Scott asked confused.
"Surprised? I wouldn't miss this for the world" Melissa walked over to Lydia's side and helped Stiles put her hair into a pony tail.
"The doctor is going to ask you a few questions so we can get ready for you to have the baby"
Lydia smiled back at Melissa but whimpered as another contraction hit.
"We'll make this quick Mrs. Stilinski. Now, are you having a boy or a girl?"
"A boy" Lydia replied.
"First child?"
"Anything we should know about previous illnesses that could harm your child or do you carry any sexually transmitted diseases?"
"Absolutely not!"
"Good. Unfortunately you are too far along in delivery to have an epidural but the good news is you'll be meeting your son in less than ten minutes"
Lydia's eyes widened and she burst into tears.
"Can't you do something for the pain!?" Stiles yelled at the doctor.
"Stiles, I'm going to be a mom" Lydia turned to look at Stiles and then at the doctor. "I'm ready"
"I'm going to ask you to push and you're going to try really hard to do that for me, okay?" The doctor positioned himself at the end of the hospital bed with Melissa behind him.
"Push" he ordered.
Lydia let out a yelp and Allison and Scott darted to her side.
"You can do this Lyds!" said Allison as she grabbed her free hand. Scott stood by Stiles grasping his shoulder.
"Push again, harder this time"
"Is it supposed to hurt this much?" asked Lydia shakily. She let out a scream scaring Stiles and Scott.
"You're almost done sweetie" Mellisa smiled at Lydia. "I can see the head"
"Oh fu-" Lydia's screams were drowned out by a baby's cries.
"It's ahhh. A girl?" Melissa announced.
"What? A girl..." Lydia's voice trailed off and she looked at Stiles for help. "Is that okay with you?" She laughed.
"Of course. I love you so much!" Stiles kissed his wife as Melissa handed off their baby girl to Stiles.
"Do you want to hold your daughter?" asked Melissa.
"Lydia first" Stiles smiled while looking adoringly at his wife and baby.
"Hi sweetie, oh my god. I'm a mom" Lydia sobbed. "I guess we can't name her Noah now?"
"Or Mieczyslaw" interjected Scott.
They all laughed and watched Lydia cradle the baby.
"Camille" whispered Stiles softly. "We should name her Camille"
"I love it. Camille Grace Stilinski." Lydia smiled. "Now it's your dad's turn to hold you."
Lydia passed off Camille to Stiles.
"Well, I think it's time to give the Stilinskis some privacy. You too Allison and Scott, let's go." Melissa guided their company out of the room as Lydia tried to get some sleep.
"Fine, but I get to hold Cami next!" Allison retorted as Scott pushed her out of the room.
"Cami is a nice nickname." Lydia yawned and smiled at Stiles.
"Yea, she has your hair you know. And I bet she's going to have your eyes too." Stiles said softly trying not to wake Camille or Lydia as she drifted off to sleep.
"No, she better have yours." Lydia murmured. "But I'll love the both of you anyway."
"I love you too Lyds." Stiles grabbed her hand and took a seat next to her bed as the Stilinski women slept.
"Camille Grace Stilinski, I promise you I'm always going to look out for you and protect you and love you. I can't wait to get to know you and if you're anything like your mother, you are most definitely worth it. I'm going to protect you from boys who are definitely not worth it but just know it's because I love you. Welcome home."

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