Late Nights

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"Your turn Stiles" Lydia muttered as Camille's cries could be heard in the next room over.
"She needs to learn how to sleep through the night Lyds." Stiles retorted.
"She might be hungry but if she's just fussing she needs to stay in her room. Check on her?" Lydia turned to Stiles and yawned. "Please?"
"Anything for you" Stiles kissed Lydia on the top of her head and made his way to the nursery.
Camille's room was painted a baby blue because Stiles and Lydia had thought they were expecting a boy. They decided to keep her room blue because Stiles thought it would suit Camille's personality. He put it as "Blue because she cries a lot" before Lydia smacked him and he changed it too "Blue because she's our world".
As Stiles opened the door to her room Camille immediately stopped crying.
"I'm guessing your not hungry and wanted attention, huh?" Stiles said while rubbing her stomach.
Camille blinked back her tears and stared back at Stiles with her caramel brown eyes.
"Well then, your mom thinks your hungry so lets humor her." Stiles got up to grab a bottle from the kitchen and Camille began to cry again.
"Diaper change?" Said Stiles weakly. "That's disgusting, Camille. You're supposed to be a lady" he teased.
Camille smiled and let out a giggle. Stiles checked her diaper, but it was clean.
"You're going to be the death of me Cami. Stay quiet or you'll wake mommy up and you won't be able to sleep with us" Stiles said as he picked Camille up and brought her to his and Lydia's bedroom.
"She okay?" asked Lydia sleepily and oblivious to Stiles sneaking Camille into their room.
"Yep, I told you she just wanted to be with us"
Stiles set Camille in between Lydia and himself and laid down as well. "She has to learn one way or another" whispered Stiles as he adjusted his pillow so Camille had more room.
Stiles smiled at his handy work and almost fell asleep before Camille tried to get her mother's attention.
"Ga" Camille gurgled as she pulled Lydia's hair.
Lydia turned over and faced a guilty Stiles and a happy Camille.
"You've got your father wrapped around your finger Camille" Lydia scowled at Stiles and untangled her hair out of Camille's fingers.
Camille reached for Lydia's hand and her face softened. Lydia sighed and pulled Camille close  before laying a kiss on the top of her head.
"She gets it from you Lyds. You're both very irresistible" Stiles said softly as Camille dozed off.
Lydia smiled.
"You do realize you're going to be on diaper duty for the rest of the week?"
Stiles grinned and grabbed Lydia's hand.
"Anything for you" he smiled back.
"Remember that exact sentence a day from now" Lydia said.
Author's Note
Idk if anyone actually reads this but if I want to get into creative writing next year I need practice.
Much love,
P.S if anyone has any suggestions for one-shots feel free to comment them! And don't forget to vote if you liked it.

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