A Boy

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She sat with her legs semi-stretched in front of her and and caressed the head that was leaning against them. It was a boy, eyes closed, body sideways and tears streaming down his face. He made no sound as he was caressed, slowly feeling calm with the touch of soft hands. He let out a shaky breath and moved, now leaning on her chest.                                                                                            Her hand combed through his hair and grazed his neck and felt his eyes, fingers touched his lips and lips touched his lips and there was caring in those soft and sweet actions yet no one knew because no one knew this girl and no one could know that this boy cried because he was crying from being overwhelmed and his emotions overflowed and boys don't show emotions like sadness and fear because boys have to be strong or they're not enough to be a man.

But here, in this place and in this moment he didn't have to be strong, he didn't have to be "a man" and he could let his emotions out and cry because he's human and sometimes humans need someone there for them and this boy had someone there for him and in that moment he didn't need anything else.

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