Bad Boy

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Quinn didn't care how smoking hot the guy in front of him was, she knew he was just a cocky idiot. That typical bad boy smirk and leather jacket that made girls fall for him were not going to work on her. 

She raised an eyebrow "If you don't mind, I have no interest in talking to someone like you." The boy looked confused, incredulous even, but she simply turned her back to him and walked away "Bye."

She walked towards the other side of the house and leaned against the wall. The music was blaring and people where dancing, a typical party. She rolled her eyes at the people randomly making out. How could someone throw something like a healthy relationship out of the window and prefer making out with people they don't know? She found it irritating. The bad boy who had greeted her only made her more annoyed.

A hand pressed against the wall beside her head as another bad boy started talking with her. "How's it going sweet-" 

"I'd prefer if you didn't call me that, thank you." She said. The guy didn't listen and instead continued flirting with her. At least the first guy had just said hi. 

She had had enough, so she stopped leaning on the wall and turned her back on the guy. "Bye."

She had started walking when suddenly an arm snaked around her waist and pulled her towards the guys chest. His beer-smelling breath fanned her cheek as he whispered into her ear.

"Don't you like bad boys?"

He leaned to kiss her cheek and she squirmed "Let me go!" She managed to get out of his grasp but when she tried running her grabbed her by the wrist. She tried pulling her hand back, but the boy tightened his grasp. She felt pain on her wrist but continued pulling.

"Come here pretty girl," he said "You'll have a good time. All good girls need a bad boy don't they?"

"A bad boy is someone who rebels against society and the system, not someone who abuses girls and is an all-around dickhead." Interrupted a voice.

Quinn looked up to see the guy who had greeted her before. He was glaring at the guy gripping her wrist. "She told you to let go."

The guy growled, but let go of Quinn's wrist. She pulled her arm back and massaged her wrist. 

"Now go somewhere where you won't bother anyone."

The guy glared at the bad boy but left anyways, heading towards the kitchen.

The boy turned towards her. "You okay?"

She nodded "Yeah, my wrist got bruised, that's about it."

The boy extended his arm "Let me see." She gave him her wrist and he checked it. He pointed towards the bathroom and put her bruised wrist under cold water. After a while he looked up a her "Better?"

Quinn nodded. Then she decided to apologize "Sorry for turning my back at you and leaving, I thought you were going to flirt with me to try to make me make-out with you."

He smiled "I guess I do look like the type of guy who'd do that."

Quinn stretched her hand out towards him. "My name's Quinn."

He shook her hand. "That's a pretty name, mine's Jay."

Quinn smiled.

Guess she realized what being a bad boy really meant.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2016 ⏰

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