Chapter 1: Leaving

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Quick Warning
This story sucks ass. I can promise you that, plot holes exist, character development doesnt.

Read at your own risk

Naruto left the academy walking quietly as he watched a couple children his age avoid him like a disease while the adults glared at him muttering 'monster'. He grew sad for he was only 6 years old and it was his first day. He had no one to go to except the 3rd Hokage but the receptionist wouldn't let him in. He sighed as he sat down on the swing and looked down on the ground.

Why do people hate me? I may pull a couple pranks now and then but they look at me with...With this hate. He thought as tears flowed down his cheeks. He heard the laughter of children drift farther away as it grew darker in village.

Naruto was about to get up when a man dressed in black came around the corner of the academy and grabbed Naruto by the neck and slamming him into a tree. Naruto tried to claw at the man but his arms were simply not big enough, so he watched as the man began to choke him.

Right when Naruto felt he was out of air, the man released him and made a couple hand signs, too quick for Naruto to see. The man finished and kicked Naruto to the ground.

"Eat this Demon! Illusion: Mind Break!" The man whispered.


He opened his eyes as he looked around to see Konoha in all but its glory, until he heard a roar. He turned around and saw a beast with nine tails, flowing around, causing destruction to the village.

People were fighting and screaming as they fought off the seemingly immortal beast.

"Kyuubi." He whispered. He had learned about this from the elderly Hokage that treated him nicely. He watched the beast kill dozens upon dozens of the Leaf's Shinobi. He had tears running down his cheeks as he watched the horror that unfolded in front of his eyes. Then, everything went black.

He opened his eyes once again and saw the man, ready to stab him with a kunai, aiming for his heart. In Naruto's eyes, things seemed to slow down as he felt something within himself change. He closed his eyes and held up a hand, in an attempt to block the kunai anyway he could. He awaited the pain to come but it didn't.

He opened one eye and saw the man, seemingly frozen in his place. Naruto wondered why he stopped as he put his hand down. As he did this, the man flew towards the academy, breaking many, many, many walls that would've been made if Jiraiya was caught by Tsunade in the hot springs.

Naruto's eyes widened as the man sprung up and dashed at him with a sword this time. Naruto rised both of his hands now and felt power surging through them. He pushed the air as the man flew backwards to the Hokage Mountain, leaving a dent in the 4th Hokage's face. Naruto sweatdropped.

"Crap." He said as he ran towards the Hokage Tower to see his surrogate grandfather. He into the building, past the receptionist, to her displeasure and burst into the room where we see the Hokage doing paper work, trying to get it done so he can go home.

"Ojisan!" Naruto cried out as he launched himself, bawling into the robes of the old man.

"Shhh, shhh. It's okay Naruto, what happened?" Sarutobi asked surprised at the boy who never cried. Naruto then explained in a shaky voice what happened with his face still in the robes, causing his voice to be muffled, but still heard. The Hokage was outraged to say the least. "Naruto, look at me." The Hokage said softly. Naruto sniffed and looked at the Hokage, and what the Hokage saw made him gasp loudly.

"ANBU, leave us immediately!" He ordered as 5 figures darted out the window. The Hokage was very, very surprised to see Naruto with these eyes. They were a dark purple with a little bit of red in the middle with 5 commas. "Naruto, what you have has not been seen since the Sage of Six Paths was alive and he was rumored to be a rumor! This proves he existed!"

"Who's that Ojisan?" Naruto asked wiping the tears from his eyes from his sleeves.

"He founded the whole shinobi world!" The Hokage exclaimed. He was excited to see Naruto had the doujutsu of a godlike figure. But his face faltered after her realized the council would try to take the eyes and give it to someone else, or train him to a mindless weapon. He thought about this for awhile until he came up with an idea.

He clicked the intercom and told his receptionist to call a certain crazed Jonin named Anko. After awhile she showed up in a big fashion like she usually does wearing her usual outfit that made most men get a nosebleed. The Hokage had to maintain his nose as he thought about...Other things.

"Pretty lady..." Was all Naruto could say as he stared at the woman in front of him. The said woman blushed a little bit before turning to the Hokage.

"Yes Hokage-sama?" She asked muttering that she was bored. The Hokage sniffed a little blood back up his nose as Anko smirked.

"How would like to take Naruto over here on a 2 year training trip with my old student Jiraiya? It would count as a SS-Rank mission." He said simply with a smile on his face as he mentioned Naruto and Jiraiya.

"I accept, but why 2 years? He would have to go to the academy in the middle of the year when we come back." She reasoned. The old Sarutobi shook his head. "You are to leave as soon as possible. Jiraiya and you will leave him on his own for the remaining four years so he may learn more stuff on his own without the help of Sensei's." He explained.

She nodded her head, even though the boy would only be 8 years old when they left. She turned to the boy. "My name is Anko gaki. What's yours?" She said smiling as she crouched down to get eye level with the boy.

"My name is Naruto Uzumaki Anko-sensei." He said smiling softly at the snake mistress. The Hokage frowned at Naruto's attitude. He'd normally drone on about ramen or being Hokage. The old man thought. Maybe this traumatized him to a certain degree to where he may change completely. Not that it's a bad thing...

Anko stood up and looked towards the Hokage. "Is that all?" He nodded as she took her leave.

"Naruto, go ahead and go to bed, you have a big day tomorrow." He said warmly. A happy smile came onto the blondes face. "Okay Ojisan." Naruto went to his house, only to dream of what occured that day.

-With Hiruzen-

"Jiraiya, you can come out now." The old man muttered. A man in his late 50s jumped into the room from the window.

"Hey old man! I heard what you were saying to my godson. 7 years of training seems like a lot." He said giving the Hokage a questionable look. The Hokage sighed.

"It is needed. He needs to protect himself so people won't steal his Rinnegan." They talked all night about a certain blonde who kept sneezing during his nightmares.

The Next Day

Naruto waited at the village hates with a pair of black ANBU pants, a long sleeve black shirt with combat books. Anko made him get these as she talked to him the night before. He was waiting on 1. Anko and 2. Jiraiya to come to get him so they could start his training. He arrived 5 minutes early so he wouldn't be late.

A few minutes later the 2 sensei's showed up at the same time.

"Hey Gaki!" Anko said as she ruffled his hair. She was wearing a little more clothing since she heard Jiraiya was a huge pervert and didn't want him to mess with her. She was 10 years older than Naruto and her hair was in her usual style. Jiraiya was being Jiraiya.

"Hey kid. Ready to become stronger than the Hokage? And maybe me?" He questioned seriously while Naruto nodded his head vigorously. "Good now let's go!"

The three left the village, not to be seen for 2 years from Jiraiya and Anko, and , 7 years for Naruto.

Bad Chapter I Know but it will get better, I'm super tired right now so it's pretty crappy. Naruto's Rinnegan is like the Sharingan but about 100x better when he masters it. But if you absolutely love godlike Naruto and team 7 bashing excluding Kakashi, then...Enjoy.

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