/8/ Here Comes The Author!

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The brown door creaked open to reveal a young girl, she crept in, wearing her adorable ombre night gown that went from pink to blue. "Mommy, Daddy! It's my birthday, I'm finally four! Isn't that amazing?!" The girl cheered. After her cheering died down, silence filled the room again. The girl rose one of eyebrows I'm confusion, "Mommy? Daddy? Wake up! You never miss my birthday." The girl pouted. Still, silence overthrew the room. The girl crept closer to the bed. "Wake up!!!" She shouted and huffed at the same time, she finally got fed up of waiting and jumped on the bed. The two adults' bodies were half under the covers. "Mommy?" The girl poked her mother and then her father. "W-Why aren't you waking up? M-Mommy?" A few tears rolled of the girl cheeks, she lifted the covers up a bit and screamed. She kept screaming and ran out the room, then a few maids rushed upstairs. "Princess, are you alright?" One of the maids asked in shock. The young girl gingerly pointed to her parents room and started to sob uncontrollably.

"They're gone."

Dream end

Marco jolted up from his bed. Groaning from a painful headache, he looked around the room to see if he was truly awake. The boy sighed in relief when he realized that he was awake. "What was all that about? Who was that girl?" Marco wondered, he glanced over at his alarm clock to see the time. "6:37, I guess I should start getting ready. School starts at 10:00, so I have the option to get food earlier." He said to himself.

🌸Time Skip🌸

When you're walking down the halls at 6:50 am it's a literal ghost town! Seriously, nobody is around and it is eerily quiet. Marco pushed open the doors leading to the breakfast hall, only one person was present. And that, of course, was Star. The blonde glanced up to see Marco, she put her book away and walked up to him with a smile. "H-Hey there." He stuttered, 'Oh yeah, I forgot. We haven't had an ACTUAL conversation yet. Or, what you call a conversation with a mute girl.' She gladly waved at him, she got out a notepad and a black pen. She immediately began to write down a sentence or two and handed it to Marco.

'Good morning Marco! I never expected you to be up this early.'

He read, then he started to smile. "Same goes for you, Butterfly. You seem excited." He smirked,

'Of course I'm excited! The author of my favourite book is coming here today!'

He softly chuckled at her excited face, "Try not to freak him out with that Cheshire smile of yours." The brunette joked, the blonde girl pouted cutely. Suddenly, there was a loud a bang. "Fuuuurrrrrrrriiiiicckk!!! Frick!" A voice boomed, Alfonzo came sprinting the breakfast hall. "Here! Take her instead!" Alfonzo offered in terror whilst pulling Marco next to him and pushing Star forward. Star quickly turned around to glare at Alfonzo and turned back to see what the problem was. A tall man -or woman- wearing a black, menacing cloak that reached the floor. The hood of the cloak covering their head and face so no great details were revealed. The person walked towards the trio intimidatingly and reached for their hood. The trio flinched as the cloaked person slowly pulled the hood down. They expected a demon or ghost but instead got a woman. She had long raven hair that flowed down to waist and sharp with hazel nut eyes to match. She shot a cold glare at the two boys, scoffed and walked passed them. The brunette and the perfectionist gulped. Who knew someone who could be that intimidating? They watched in horror as Star stomped up to the woman and glared at her. "What is she doing?" Alfonzo shouted in a whisper. "No idea, but it's crazy regardless!" Marco sharply whispered.

Star tapped the woman's shoulder with impatience. The raven haired woman spun around so they could see each other. Star's glare never left her face as the woman looked shocked. They stayed like that for a minute until the woman smiled and started to giggle. Star looked mortified as the woman embraced her in a tight hug while still giggling hysterically. "S-Sorr- pffft - Sorry- pfft hahahha-" The woman was starting to freak everyone out until she calmed down and let Star go. "Sorry for my rudeness! My, my, girl. You are just too cute! Miss was right about you, feisty yet adorable. A-Anyway, my name is Aria Blake. I am the assistant of the author that will be coming in today." Star's face lit up brightly when the lady formally introduced herself. Alfonzo cautiously stepped over to where the blonde was and stood behind her as if she were a shield. Where as Marco stood beside Star proudly. Aria looked at Marco and Alfonzo, "Boys." She sent a glare at the two, "Lady." The spat in unison. "I think it's quite rude to push your friend in front of you. What if I was a murderer, huh?" She didn't drop a glare one bit. In fact, she only made it more intense. "Oh please. Y'think we are bad? Wait until you meet Ferguson. And, for the record, it wasn't me, it was Al." The brunette boy stated, inching a bit closer forward. "Reflex! Okay?" Alfonzo shouted in defence. "Whatever, let's just drop it. Shall we?" Aria replied, putting on a smile to replace the glare.



"So, are you two dating?" The woman smirked as she eyed the brunette and blond carefully. They both went a shade of scarlet, "N-No! No we....um..w-we are n-not." Marco stuttered, "That's right! If Butterfly were to date anyone, it'd be the Ferg!" Ferguson boasted confidently whilst strutting into the hall. Marco glared at him whilst Star shuddered and was trying not to gag. Alfonzo just sighed in disappointment, 'He's gonna find out his sexuality sooner or later,' Alfonzo thought. Jackie and Janna came in not long after, followed by the rest of the school.


"Students, Students!" The teacher smiled, trying to contain her excitement. "Today we have a special visitor! I'd like to introduce you to Alistair Reed!"

A man walked into the room. He was around the age of thirty, or maybe a little younger than that. He had short dirty blond hair and light grey eyes. His skin was pale and he was wearing a smart shirt, pants and round glasses. He looked around the room and smiled, "Good morning, guys. I am the author of a book called, 'A Starry Night's Disappearance," He announced whilst holding up the book. Marco smiled to himself, 'Ah, finally! The book's name.' Maybe this 'author thing' wasn't going to be so bad after all.

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