/9/ Excuse me?

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The author event went pretty well. It wasn't as boring as Marco thought, plus he got to see Star happy. Very happy. A little too happy. Oh well, he'll let it slide, for now at least.

The day went faster than usual, but it was still the same. Ms Skullnick ranted about her non-existent love life and how she deserved one during math. Ms Hearthstone gave a spectacular performance during Drama. Everyone almost died during Chemistry. And the routinely Ferguson and Alfonzo bickering. "MARCO!!" A voice yelled, "Polo!" The brunette couldn't help himself, he turned around to see Ferguson running towards him. Which was a first. "Marco! You need to come with me now!" Ferguson stated, "But-", "Now!" The ginger-haired boy cut him off and dragged him to....his English room? In there was Jackie, Janna, Alfonzo and now him and Ferg. Sitting on the teacher's desk was the author, Alistair. Alfonzo shut the door behind them cautiously so nobody outside would notice them. "Tell him what you told us!" Janna instructed, "All I said was that I wasn't physically able to speak at your age, then they all started shouting at me saying something about a Butterfly?"

Marco couldn't believe it, now they had someone to help them get Star's voice back! "Did you ask him about how he got his voice back?" Marco asked and Jackie instantly shook her head, 'no'. "I don't understand. What's going on?" The author asked impatiently. "We have this friend who can't speak. Our vice principal, Miss Hart, said something about triggering her voice with shock or devastation." Marco explained, Alistair rose an eyebrow, "Excuse me?" He tilted his head in confusion, "What happened to the girl?" He continued. "We don't exactly know, Miss Hart only gave us the bare points of it. She said that Star was in an accident." Jackie told the man.

"That's a load of crap! Her story doesn't add up! You're born with it, you can't gain it from an accident no matter how severe it is. And shock and sadness will only worsen it, so I don't get it!" The author told them, "Does that mean that Miss Hart lied to us?" Janna asked rhetorically. "If it helps, I got my voice back by remembering something from my past. It was something important." He smiled nervously, desperately wanting to bolt out of the classroom. "Wait, I'm confused. Miss Hart wanted to make Star's lack of voice...worse? But Why?" Marco questioned, and just to think that they were actually getting somewhere.... "I don't know, but I think that we need a bigger and better plan." Ferguson grinned, "Let me get my chainsaw and gloves so we ca-" Janna grinned evilly. "What? No! There will be no chainsaws! No nunchucks either!" Jackie scolded, Janna whined like a child in response. "No fair!"


"Star, are you sure that you want to go to this lockdown thing?" Miss Hart asked, wary of her safety. "Relax. She'll be fine. You know that she needs to hang out with children-",
"Her own age," Vice Principal Hart and Principal Skeeves said together with Miss Hart's voice a lot more sarcastic. Star just silently giggled to herself, she loved how they bickered. Them being cousins and all. "I guess Skeevie is right. But still, don't go being a rebel and wonder around the school in places that you shouldn't be in. Got it?" Miss Hart smiled at the Butterfly, in return Star gave a soldier-like salut and nod.


Star ran to her room and started to pack her things in preparation for the school event, which was happening in a few days. She couldn't wait to explore the school. She was in the middle of packing until a knock was heard at her door. "Hey Princess, do you mind opening this door?" A voice came from the outside, she opened it to reveal none other than Oskar Greason. Star stood in front of her former-crush with a wide smile. He quietly laughed at her Cheshire grin, "Some local peasants wish for your acquaintance, your majesty," he bowed whilst putting on a fake posh voice and spoke poshly. He stepped to one side to reveal Janna, Marco and Jackie. Janna smiled and Jackie waved whilst Marco was glaring daggers at Oskar. Star's smile dropped a bit. Although they were friends, she still didn't know if she could trust them fully. Star nodded and Oskar walked off, the blonde stepped aside and gestured for the trio to come in.

"Hey Star! I love this room!" Jackie grinned, the room was covered in a pastel, galaxy paint. Using the colors pastel blue, pink, purple and white, of course. The carpet was a lilac purple and her bed was queen sized. "Hey, quick question, do you have any food? I'm starving!" Janna groaned as her stomach made a growling noise, Star giggled and pointed at the plate of chocolate chip cookies. "So Star, are you packing for the lockdown? The group's gonna go and wander around and we were wondering-" he was cut off by Janna whilst she crammed the cookies in her mouth, "You mean 'you were wondering' Marco! I mean, we still would've invited her bu-", "WE WERE WONDERING," Marco openly glared at Janna as she gave him a thumbs up, "If you'd like to join us. You don't have to if you don't want to, of course," He continued. Star beamed at him and nodded her head excitedly. "Awesome! Oh and one more thing," The brunette nodded in confirmation to Janna. Janna nodded her head as well, "We have a plan," Janna began, as she kept her voice quiet, just in case somebody heard her. Star rose an eyebrow as if to say 'What plan?'. Janna took a deep breath, "We know how to get your voice back. It may take a while but," Star started to process the sentence

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"Excuse me?"

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