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yes, it's a new fanfic. JUST FUCKING KILL ME LMAO.

Hey, even if the present ends,
Engrave it inside of you:
The miracle that we were together,
The moments I smiled at your side,
Because these simple things create the world.

"sorry mingyu, gotta crash!(again)"

soonyoung had been basically living on the couch in wonwoo and mingyu's dorm since two weeks ago.

I would like to request a stay in your humble abode, he had said to them after suddenly appearing at their doorstep with a shit ton of things, two weeks ago.

"what you apologising about, this is basically your home already."

soonyoung threw a sheepish look at mingyu before turning back to his books.

"anyway, you'll be back there in no time with him, trust me-"

soonyoung froze. his face was somewhat of a MY-CAT-DIED face, mixed with a I-JUST-ATE-A-MILLION-LEMONS expression.

"mingyu!" wonwoo scolded.

"it's getting late. I should go to bed."

burying his face in his pillow, he turned away from the both of them, book left upturned and forgotten.

mingyu took a step forward but wonwoo placed a slim finger on mingyu's wrist, signalling that it would be best to leave him like that. both of them retreated to their own rooms.

"he's going to make up with him. no doubt."

"look. it's complicated mingyu-"

"and this is coming from someone that heard both sides of the story."

"then tell me. shouldn't it be obvious how to make them reconcile?"

"the thing is-"

"why did they even split in the first place?"

"for no reason, at least that's what jihoon told me anyway."

"look-jihoon's just bullshitting you."

"you think I can't tell? well you know what? the thing is, soonyoung gave me the exact same reason!"

"then both of them are bullshitting you! you don't actually know any side of the story, do you?"

"no one does."

"not even the greatest gossip in this entire school, the one closest to jihoon, usually the third wheel of their dates, boo seungkwan?"

"you know seungkwan. I offered him ten bucks to spill and he said he didn't have any tea on them."

"I didn't know it was that bad..."

"look. I don't suggest saying anything, anything, about jihoon in front of soonyoung."

"and vice versa. I heard that seokmin tried to bring it up as a lunch time topic a week ago."

"jihoon stormed out crying."

mingyu was shocked. his grip on his pillow tightened. he rolled over to wonwoo's side and used wonwoo's back as a temporary pillow.

"you stressed?" wonwoo said as he slowly sat upright, letting mingyu use his lap as a pillow. he softly patted the boy's head.

"they used to be great. they used to be the closest couple in our squad. what happened that would make jihoon storm out crying? what would make soonyoung, one of the mood makers in the group, to move out of their shared dorm and cry himself to sleep every night?"

"the worst part is that jihoon, my seatmate in the lecture theatre . well, let's just say it's kinda hard to concentrate when you got a guy that sniffles next to you throughout the lecture. thing is, I can't afford to fail this exam."

"I'll text the group. we meet tomorrow, usual place."

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