Interview with @jazzbo

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Name: Jasmin




War changes everything. It causes death, pain and trauma but it also brings people together. When six young men enlist for the army, their lives change forever.


Not yet


Well for some reason I've always been intrigued by history. At first a was going for a 1920's theme but then I realised I didn't know enough about the time period and then turned to World War II

Favourite character:

Probably Karla because of her helpful nature and I like to think I'm quite helpful

Musical influence:

definitely a lot of one direction but also a bit of jakebugg and World War II music influence me quite a bit too.

Main character:

in this book there are a lot of main/principal characters. They all bring something different to the plot and I just really enjoy making little side plots for all of them that eventually add up to the big central plot.

Based on a true story:

in some aspects it is because the world wat actually did happen and some of the characters stories were inspired by real life world war situations.

How long I have been writing:

A long time really but wattpad has really helped me get my head in the game.

Cause of starting to write:

nothing really, I've just always enjoyed writing.

Favourite genre:

fanfiction but sometimes I like a good adventure story or even a classic

Anything else:

I just want to thank all my followers, readers, voters and commenters because your all great and I hope for more of you to read my stories and tell me what you think.

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