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Dear all the depressed people and just people who are sad atm in general,

Hey, you're not doing so well, huh? Well, nobody can be happy all the time, not even me! So have this piece of advice, always remember, no matter what, things will get better, no matter how bad life seems to be right now, keep moving forward! Don't focus on all the bad things that are happening, just think about how good things may become.

If you've made a mistake, learn from it, don't just think about the failure, think about how you're going to fix that failure!

If you hate yourself then remember, everyone and everything exists for a reason, you exist for a reason! And there are people around you to remind you of that!

And last of all, if you need anyone to vent to or talk to I'm always here, I won't judge and I'll try my best to help!

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