Chapter 1

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*Arabella's POV*

Another Monday morning was the same as any other. I don't remember the last time that I did something different with my life, it seems like a never ending spiral of just getting up, going to school, coming home from school, doing homework, sleeping, then repeat. Occasionally I might have a new conversation with the whole 3 friends I have on the planet, but usually we just talk about the same shit. Whatever, I guess it just works that way. 

I'm beginning to become so bored of my repetitive life. Sure, I know I can't complain much because I'm healthy, I have family that loves me, and I guess having three friends is better than having no friends, but it's still just as dull as the coldest, grayest winter day. I just want something fun in my life, something I can actually look forward to doing, but that doesn't seem like it's going to happen anytime soon. Especially because my parents don't let me do anything, they're the most overprotective parents you'll ever come across in your life. 

My phone buzzes and I get the same text that I do every single school day from my best friend, Alex, which reads ''You walking to school today?'' 


''Great. See you there.'' 

I meet Alex down the corner of the road on the way to school, and she already starts rambling on about how she's found some new favourite band..fall out boy, or something, and I make it pretty clear that I'm anything but interested, although Alex has never quite seemed to get the hint of things. As she's rambling onto a different topic, I hear her mention the name Ashton Irwin (and by Ashton Irwin I mean the guy I've literally had a crush on for about 5 years,) which immediately catches my attention. ''Wait, Ashton, what?'' I exclaim.

''Yeah, you know, Ashton, the drummer or something in Luke Hemmings band?'' She replies, like she doesn't have a clue that I haven't been listening to a single word she's been saying throughout this entire walk to school. ''Luke and his band, Ashton, Michael and uh..the bass dude..uh..shit..oh yeah, Calum. They're having a house party or something after their gig, and apparently everyone's invited, so I was wondering if you wanna g-'' 

I cut her off, ''I fucking hate that Luke guy.'' 

''Are you kidding me? He's the hottest guy in the school, what the fuck?'' 

''Hardly. He's just so overrated, and he seems like such a jerk.''

''Don't be such a dick, Bella. Are you gonna come or what?'' 

''Yeah. I think I'll pass.'' 

''You're such a loser.''

''And proud.'' 

''Whatever, I'll speak to you later, I've gotta get to class.''


When Alex walks off I spend some time thinking to myself about this party. Fine, maybe I kind of exaggerated how much I hate this Luke guy, but I do think he's a jerk, especially for constantly being around Ashton so I never get to talk to him. I don't even think Ashton knows of my existence anyway. But I guess that could all change if I went to that house party; I'm too stubborn to tell Alex I've changed my mind though, so by the looks of it I guess I'm not going. 

When I walk off into school I see that there's a bunch of girls surrounded by that Luke guy. Now that Alex has mentioned him I can't help but to think how much he makes my blood boil with anger. He's surrounded by at least 14 people that all know his name, but I bet that he knows none of their's. When I glance at him I see him glance back to me, in which he gives me a small smirk and a little wink. I don't engage back and just turn to go to my Chemistry class. 

What a dick. I bet he does that to any female that breathes, why should I let him know how hot he is? Besides, it wasn't even that big of a deal...

...Except for the fact I thought about it for the rest of the day. But I refuse to like him. 

I made the mistake of telling Alex, and my two other friends, Elle and Charlie, who are literally obsessed with the guy. Therefore, you would not believe how much they wouldn't shut up about it for the rest of the day. 

''Guitar boy gave me a little cheeky smirk today on the way to school.''

''Who?'' Elle questioned. 

''That Luke guy, dingus.'' 

''Ooh, since when were you guys best friends?'' Alex says, obviously trying to get under my skin. 

''We're fucking not. Besides, I didn't even do anything back.'' 

''Are you serious?'' Charlie shared, ''If that was me, I'd literally jump at the chance.'' 

''There was no chance, all you need to do is walk past the guy for him to lead you on. It's just what he does.''

''Hey, Bella, if you're not interested then why don't you see if you can get closer to him to introduce him to me? Besides, it might make you even closer to Ashton!'' Elle suggests, hopefully.

Alex starts laughing, ''What the fuck makes you think he'd choose Bella over all the girls in this school? No offence B, but aren't you still a virgin?'' 

''Yeah, because I'm not a fucking slut like yourself,'' her faces drops at this statement, ''and just so you know, I will be coming to that house party tonight, and I will show you what I can do.'' 

Charlie turns around, ''Why don't we all bet £30, if Bella can get Luke's number, we all owe her £30, but if she can't, she owes us all £30.'' I swear Charlie has some sort of gambling addiction. 

''It's a deal, my friend.'' 

SabotageOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora