Chapter 2

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*Luke's POV*

During my boredom throughout Physics class, I was kept slightly entertained by the fact Michael was sat right in front of me and I was throwing paper airplanes at him for the whole time. I could tell there was a few people around me getting pretty pissed off, but I doubt they would say anything.

Michael turned around, ''Dude, would you stop? I'm actually trying to learn something for once and you're really not helping me understand speed equals distance over time by throwing paper at me.'' 

''Paper airplanes, actually. Jesus, do you not acknowledge any of my hard work?'' I say jokingly, Michael rolls his eyes. ''Come on real talk, I wanna talk about the party we're having tomorrow night after the gig.''

''Shit yeah, I think we said it's open to all, we'll just let in whoever turns up. Any girls you're looking to invite?''

I go to say none in particular, but then I remember the girl that I saw in the hallway before class started. My mind can picture her beautiful face and her luscious brown hair, although I can't put a name to a face. All I know is that she is beyond gorgeous. 

''Erm, yeah. I saw this girl in the hallway before, I don't know her name but I'm sure she'll be coming to the party. I might give it a shot with her after the party.'' 

''Nice, man.''

Ever since Michael asked about that girl, I didn't think of anything else throughout the entire day than wanting to know her name. I described this girl countless times to many people although nobody could put a name to a face. I'm guaranteed she will be coming to the party, because the whole school is coming, and I'm not gonna miss an opportunity with her. 

Around 16 girls I saw in the hallway today told me how excited they were for the gig and the party, and on any normal day I would've been lining them up, however all I could think about as of today was mystery girl.

I'm intrigued to know why I've never seen this girl before. I've most definitely seen everyone at our school from our gigs, however she is not a familiar face to me, nor is she to Calum and Michael. Ashton says that he definitely has seen her before, however he couldn't say what her name was due to lack of knowledge to what it actually was. 

I've been constantly overthinking for the first time in my life, because as I winked and smirked at her she gave no reaction in return, any other one of the girls would've jumped right on top of me. Maybe she was just unaware or didn't realise I was smirking at her.

All I know is that I just could not wait for the party.

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