Chapter 3

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*Arabella's POV*

The next day comes and I end up getting myself to Ashton's band's party. I didn't go to the gig, despite how tempting it was to say no to a drumming, most likely shirtless, Ashton, but I finally ended up making my way to go to the party. Not because I particularly wanted to, but because I'm too stubborn to lose this stupid bet I have with Alex and I wasn't going to stop at anything to win.

I text Alex to see if she's walking down to the party but it turned out that she was already there, and pretty drunk. Great, so not only will nobody know who I am, I have practically nobody to talk to for the entire time, at least with Alex there would be somebody to talk to.

I walk down the street and come to find a somewhat rather rowdy house party; this must be the place. As much as I don't care about anybody here, except for seeing Ashton, I'm actually slightly nervous, and I can't seem to pinpoint why that is. I dawdle up to the door in hope that the there might be a fire, just so I don't have to go inside. Unfortunately, I felt as if that didn't happen in the five minutes I've been stood here waiting, it's never going to happen.

Once I finally reach the door I gradually ring the doorbell and wait for somebody (hopefully Ashton, not Luke) to answer the door. However, to my disappointment, it's Michael.

''Hey, come on in! Everybody's welcome!!'' He stutters, as he's probably pretty drunk. ''And you are?''

''Arabella.'' I reply, ''But you can just call me Bella.''

''In you come, sweet-cheeks.'' He says, and then gets distracted by the few girls waiting for him practically right behind him, in which he then wanders off with one upstairs.

'Great.' I think to myself. ''Just where the fuck am I gonna go now? I might as well try and find Alex and see if she's sober enough to interact with me.''

For a good five minutes I was wandering around the house, bumping into multiple different people countless times, until I finally spotted Alex outside surrounded by a load of different people, most likely playing a drinking game. As I get closer up I realise that they're playing spin the bottle, and I yell her name loud enough that she can hear it.

But she doesn't, so I yell it again.

I see her glance around and then eventually figure out that I'm standing right in front of her, in which she replies 'Bella!! I'm glad you made it!!'' She then hugs me (she's always been the clingiest fucking drunk you'll ever meet.)

''Uh..yeah..hey, are you alright?'' I respond.

''Never been better! I'm playing spin the bottle. Hey! Why don't you join in?''

This is something that I would much rather really not be playing, as I'm definitely not the kissing type.

''Uh, I think I'll pa-''

''Oh come on!'' She cuts me off, ''you've gotta loosen up a bit you big pussy, fucking sit here and play it.''

To my surprise this actually works, so I sat down and began to join in this game with a bunch of people I don't know, except for Ashton and Luke. Fucking Luke. Great.

A bunch of people spin the bottle before it's my turn to even touch it, including Alex, I think she's already kissed about four different people at this point. After about 20 minutes of watching multiple different people get off with each other, it finally comes round to me, which I'm actually pretty nervous about.

As I go to spin the bottle, a whole 20 different people are watching me, that's 40 eyes! This certainly doesn't calm my nerves in the slightest, however I tell myself that this time I will not be the big pussy I am and finally join in on a social game. I reach for the bottle and my hand is shaking a little bit, which I hope nobody noticed. The bottle spinning seemed like it was going on forever and ever, which by this rate I'm pretty sure it was. Although it eventually stopped and I gradually looked up to see what moron I had to kiss, oh god I hope it's Ashton.

But with just my luck, it's Luke.

Fucking Luke.

Are you kidding me?

I practically back away to say "No, get the fuck away from me!" Although it turns out that I only seem to say that in my head, in which it certainly didn't' five the right impression. I couldn't start a scene here because I would go back to school and be 'the girl that didn't want to kiss Luke,' which would obviously lead to high amounts of torment. Therefore, I just had to suck it up and give him the slightest peck. These last 30 seconds of my life have felt like 30 years.

I gradually lean in for a little peck on the cheek, expecting him to be respectful and just do the same. However, to my surprise he grabs my by the waist, wipes my hair out of my face and kisses me like I've never been kissed before, strongly, intensely. I don't know if this was because he was drunk or for some other reason that is completely unknown to me, but he put more pressure onto this kiss that I'd seen anybody out of the 20 people playing this game kiss before. I want to gasp for air, I want to resist and pull back, which of course I thought that I would; although there is something about this kiss that I just don't do anything about, and I stay there.

After what feels like a lifetime of me and Luke making out, I finally feel the urge to pull away, in which I do, he seems disappointed in this, although gives me a smirk afterwards. My mind had not yet processed what went on which caused me to lash out and run away from him immediately, Alex was too drunk to notice anything, but I did not stop for anybody and I didn't turn around for anything.

I hear somebody, most likely Luke, yelling "WAIT," softly in the distance, but I want to get as far away from this house as possible, therefore I quickly reach the front door, leave, run down the street to my house immediately, and then storm up the stairs into my room.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2016 ⏰

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