Claimed ~ explanation #2

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Since you guys were confused about the first explanation I posted,let me explain it to you again but in a brief summary.


This girl @mccanswifey that I knew for a while hacked me on this account for about 3-4 months and pretended be steph and manipulate her readers.

She did this to get more followers and attention and more reads on her book. She was expecting to have many followers on here by pretending to be steph and that's exactly what she got (kind of)

she kept people wondering until either the end of November and the beginning of December. She sent steph an apology (on this account) but steph never answered.

After that the hacker sent an apology to me but I never forgave her. After she sent an apology to me she let me finally have my account back after months of not having it.

@mccanswifey USED TO BE...
@citylightsbizzle is known for hacking and stealing people ideas and storylines.

People like... @sorryIieber & @jennerid have experienced it.

And so therefore here I am now,trying to explain to everyone that I am NOT Steph and people are still thinking that I am her.

So I made this chapter just to explain again that I am not HER.
My hacker pretended to be her.

And so if you could help me out,please tag @justinsavenger (steph) to let her know that the hacker (not me) pre tended to be her and manipulate her readers.

I don't want her to be angry at me for something I didn't do. So please have a heart and tag her in this? Please?

Claimed ~ (Why I Haven't Updated)Where stories live. Discover now